What is a business reconstruction subsidy?Explain in detail from the basic contents to the application procedure!

What is a business reconstruction subsidy?Explain in detail from the basic contents to the application procedure!

▼ Updated on November 18th, the 4th public recruitment started from October 28, and the application for applications started on November 17.The deadline is December 21st.* 5th Public offerings: Scheduled to start in January 4th year

Business reconstruction subsidies are subsidies that help small and medium -sized enterprises to try to rebuild business, such as new field development, business conversion, business / business change, business reorganization, and if you are small and medium -sized enterprises.Have you ever heard it once?In this article, we will introduce detailed information, such as the conditions for the business reconstruction subsidy and how much it will be.

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What is a business reconstruction subsidy?

The business reconstruction subsidy is a subsidy to help small and medium -sized enterprises to try to rebuild the business.The following pamphlets are being developed on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's website.Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Business Reconstruction Subsidy"

It is a subsidy implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and "new challenges of companies and organizations, etc. aimed at" new field development, business format conversion, business and business transformation, etc., business restructuring, or expanding the scale through these efforts.The purpose is to "support".It became a hot topic because it was incorporated on a large budget of 1,148.5 billion yen in the third supplementary budget for the third supplementary budget for the second year of the company, as the "Nakaguri Company and other business reconstruction promotion project" was incorporated.If you have the opportunity, you may have a memory.It is one of the subsidies that has been attracting attention as a subsidy system for small and medium -sized companies that consider new business development in the Corona evil that has become difficult to continue the business.

Business reconstruction subsidy application requirements

When can we apply for a business reconstruction subsidy specifically?Please check at least the following three.Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Outline of Business Reconstruction Subsidy"

(1) Sales are declining (2) There is a business plan formulated as a support organization for accredited management innovation, etc.

I will check the contents one by one.

(1) In order to apply for a business reconstruction subsidy that has decreased sales, it is necessary to "decrease sales".Therefore, no matter how much you want to reconstruct your business, you will not be able to apply unless your sales are decreasing.The content announced by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in July 3rd year is as follows.

・ Of the six months since April 2020, the total sales of any three months are compared with the total sales in the same three months before Corona (2019 or 2019 or January to March).It has decreased by more than 10 %, and out of the six months since October 2020, the total sales in any three months compared to the total sales in the same three months before Corona.It has decreased by 5%or more.・ It is also possible to use added value instead of sales.* For details, please refer to the public offering guidelines.

(2) In order to apply for a business reconstruction subsidy that is working on business rebuilding, "new field development", "business change", "conversion of business", "business format", "business reorganization", "business reorganization"You need to work on one of them.It is highly likely that you will not be able to pass if you are just working on it.The reason is in ③.

(3) In order to apply for a business reconstruction subsidy with a business plan formulated as a support organization for accredited management innovation, it is necessary to have a business plan formulated as a certified management innovation support organization.Therefore, it is difficult to apply for those that are not reconstructed with highly feasible businesses, so it is difficult to apply for them.It is also important to formulate a reasonable and compelling business plan for adoption.Therefore, I think that the adoption rate will increase if you consult with the certified support organization and reflect the advice you received in the business plan.For projects with a subsidy exceeding 30 million yen, financial institutions (banks, credit, funds, etc.) must also participate and formulate them.* If a financial institution also serves as a supporting institution such as certified management innovation, there is no problem with a financial institution.

In addition, the content of the business plan is "average annual rate of added value 3 in 3-5 years after the end of the subsidy project..Or "increase by 0%or more" or "Annual rate of added value per employee 3".It is necessary to expect to achieve an increase of 0%or more.

[Supplement] A supporting agency such as a certified management innovation is a support organization that has been certified by the country (tax accountant, (tax accountant, tax accountant, etc.A tax accountant corporation, a certified public accountant, a small and medium -sized business consultant, a commercial and industrial association / commercial and industrial office, financial institution, etc.).It was founded by the SME Agency in 2012.There is no problem if there is an organization with a relationship or if you are introduced to it.However, even if there is no biography, you can search from the HP of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.→ SME Agency Agency Certification Support Organization Search System

What is a business reconstruction guideline?

I will explain the "business reconstruction guideline" described in the above "② There is a prospect of working on business reconstruction".When applying for a business reconstruction subsidy, it is necessary to work on the business reconstruction as described above.It is this "business reconstruction guideline" that stipulates what is the business reconstruction.Roughly briefly, the "business reconstruction subsidy" is one of the five areas of business rebuilding, which is trying to build a business that is trying to do business, "new field development", "conversion of business", "business format conversion", and "business reorganization".You cannot apply unless it applies to.Depending on which field corresponds, the available subsidy expenses will also change, so it is necessary to check in advance.Source: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "[Guidance for business reconstruction guidelines]

Indispensable conditions for "new field deployment", "business change", "business change"

First of all, in "new field expansion", "business change", and "conversion of industry", it is necessary to meet the above "(1) new property requirements of products, etc." and "(2) newly -market requirements in the market".。

"① Newity requirements for products, etc." (1) There are three new properties such as products, as shown in the SME Agency, "Guidance for Business Reconstruction Guidelines".1, No track record in the past, etc. 2, Change the main equipment used for manufacturing, etc. 3, quantitatively different performance or effect (when the performance and effects of products, etc. can be quantitatively measured.Limited.)

I will explain briefly.[No track record of manufactured in the past] is a necessary requirement, so not only what you always make, but also what you have manufactured in the past is NG.It is not acceptable for the company unless it is a completely new challenge content.* Example: Make the same parts that have been manufactured only once in the past.

In addition, we must prove that new manufacturing is excellent.The proof method is required to be "quantitative".[Quantitatively different performance or efficacy (only when the performance and effects of products, etc. can be measured quantitatively.)] In other words, "Improve XX % productivity than ready -made products", "Relined products."Explanations such as "XX will be faster".Therefore, it is NG for new products that cannot be explained quantitatically or do not improve so much.

In addition, it is necessary to introduce a new facility for manufacturing.[Change the main facilities used for manufacturing, etc.] * The meaning of this "new character" is the new nature of "for the small and medium -sized business", and is not required to the "world's first" or "Japan's first".Hmm.Source: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "[Guidance for business reconstruction guidelines]

This is also a requirement that requires new nature about "(2) newly circuit requirements in the market", but this is required to be "low alternative to existing products and new products".In other words, what is covered with ready -made products is NG.Furthermore, if new products will decrease the sales of ready -made products, it is necessary to increase sales due to synergistic effects.

OK Example: When a Japanese restaurant starts a new online cooking class, starting an online cooking class is considered that the sales of Japanese restaurants will not change (rather, the synergistic effect of advertising).It is considered to meet the new properties of the market.NG Example: If the company that provided ice cream sells shaved ice, but simply formulates a business plan to purchase shaved ice instead of ice cream, the market is in the market.It is considered that new properties do not meet.Source: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "[Guidance for business reconstruction guidelines]

Judgment of which is "new field expansion", "business change", "business change" from sales and sales composition ratio.

If it is recognized as "(1) a new property requirements of products, etc." or "(2) a new qualification in the market", let's focus on "sales" and "sales composition ratio".The classification will change depending on what will happen after the 3-5 -year business planning period created in the business reconstruction subsidy application.

■ If you can formulate a plan to make a new product sales of 10%or more of the total sales increase → “New field development” ■ The business belonging to new products will be the highest sales ratio of sales.If you can formulate → "Business change" ■ If the type of industry to which new products will be the highest type of sales composition ratio → "Industrial change"

It is relatively easy to judge whether to develop a new field, and it is possible to formulate a new business to 10 % or more of the entire company.The remaining two "business shifts" and "industrial conversions" need to be "business" or "business" in the company's sales composition ratio.

What is a business reconstruction subsidy??基本内容から申請手続きまで詳しく説明!

"Business change" refers to changing the main business without changing the main type of product by manufacturing new products. On the other hand, the "industrial conversion" refers to changing the main type of business by manufacturing new products. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "[From the guidelines for business reconstruction guidelines] In other words, it is necessary to create a larger business and industry than existing businesses, industries. From the above," new fields " "Development" seems to be the easiest to formulate. * The "main business" here refers to "a large -scale industry based on the Japanese standard industrial classification set by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, which is the highest sales ratio in the nearest financial period." * The "main type of industry" here is "a medium -cateFivery, small cateFivery or subtraction industry based on the Japanese standard industrial classification set by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, which is the highest sales ratio in the most recent financial period. It points.

What is "conversion of business format"?

Up to this point, we have explained about the “new field development”, “business change”, and “industrial change” in the five cateFiveries.This is the fourth for "conversion of business format".Unlike the "new field development", "business change", "business change", which we have explained so far, there is no need to start a completely new business.The requirements are defined as "Change the manufacturing method of products, etc. considerably", so if you change the existing one to some extent, it will be accepted.Specifically, there are the following four requirements.

(1) In order to fall under the conversion of business format, the manufacturing method of products, etc. must have new nature. → [Newly required requirements such as manufacturing method] ② Products manufactured in a new method must have new nature (only when changing the product manufacturing method). → [Product New Priority requirements] ③ Products or services provided in a new method must be involved in the removal of new or existing facilities, or reduced existing stores. (Only when changing the product or service provision method). → [New requirements for products, etc.] or [equipment removal requirements] ④ Through these, after the end of the business planning period for 3 to 5 years, sales of new products, etc. are 10% of the total sales. ( *) It is necessary to formulate a plan that accounts for the above. → [Sales 10%requirements] Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "[Guidance for business reconstruction guidelines]

Regarding (2), it is synonymous with [newly required requirements for products, etc.] in the new field development.In addition, [new requirements for products, etc.] in (3) are synonymous with [newly -specific requirements for products] in the new field development.For this reason, I will explain the [new system requirements for manufacturing methods, etc.] in ① below and [equipment removal requirements].

"Newly required requirements for manufacturing methods, etc." and "equipment removal requirements"

The following three requirements are required for "new requirements for manufacturing methods".(1) There is no track record that has been manufactured in the same way in the past (2) Changing the main facilities used for new manufacturing methods, etc. (3) Divided performance or effect (quantitative performance and efficacy of manufacturing methods, etc. are quantified.Limited to the case when it can be measured.) I will explain one by one.

[There is no track record that has been manufactured in the same way in the past] must be manufactured in a method that has never been done in the past.* Example: This is a loose requirement compared to new properties such as "new field development", "business change", and "business change" products in terms of simply changing the method.[Changing the main facilities used for new manufacturing methods, etc.] is almost synonymous with new properties such as products such as "new field deployment", "business conversion", and "business change" products.[Quantitatively different performance or effect (only when the performance and effects of manufacturing methods can be measured quantitatively.)] Is almost synonymous with new properties such as products.

What is "business reorganization"?

The business reorganization is a business reconstruction associated with "reorganization under the Company Law, etc.".In the form of business, it is necessary to perform either a new field deployment, business change, business change or business format change.Source: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "[Guidance for business reconstruction guidelines]

Regarding the pre -establishment approval system for business reconstruction subsidies

The start of the subsidy for business reconstruction subsidies is basically after the issuance.However, please note that it is possible to be rejected.Of course, if you are not adopted, you cannot receive support.

Preparing for application for business reconstruction subsidies

So what should I do to apply for a business reconstruction subsidy?The following three preparations are required to be roughly divided.

(1) Preparation for electronic application ② Preparation for business plan formulation (3) We will explain with each of the accredited management innovation support organizations.

(1) Preparation for electronic application Preparation project The application for the reconstruction subsidy is accepted by the electronic application system called "JGRANTS".Therefore, it is necessary to issue this ID.This JGRANTS ID "G Biz Id Prime Account" takes time to issue, so we recommend that you apply as soon as possible.

You can finally create it by describing the required items from the following HP and mailing the required documents.https: // gbiz-ID.Five.Please note that the application will not be completed only by the JP/TOP/homepage procedure.

(2) A business plan is required for preparation for the business plan formulation, so let's create it in advance.How much should you create, but you should do "as much details as possible".In the end, it may be compared with other companies, so at least the following A to C should be done.A, Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the current company and the market analysis of new businesses B, presentation of issues and solutions to ensure their dominance c, fund plan to ensure advantage

(3) The business plan created in consultation with a support organization such as a certified management innovation must be approved by a support organization such as certified management innovation.Therefore, if you have a business plan to some extent, consult with a support organization such as certified management innovation.

About the upper limit of the business reconstruction subsidy and the subsidy rate

Please note that the upper limit and subsidy rate of the business reconstruction subsidy will vary considerably depending on where you applied.Here are the assists and subsidies for each frame.

Business reconstruction subsidy subsidy

・ [Normal frame] For small and medium -sized enterprises, such as medium -sized companies, etc.: [number of employees 20 or less] 1 million yen to 40 million yen [21 to 50 employees] 1 million yen to 6,000 million yen [51 employees] 1 million yen to 80 million yen

・ [Large -scale wage frame] Both small and medium -sized enterprises, such as mid -sized companies, etc. [101 or more employees] More than 80 million yen to 100 million yen

・ [Graduation frame] SMEs, etc.: 60 million yen to 100 million yen

・ [Global V -shaped recovery frame] Medium companies, etc.: 80 million yen to 100 million yen

・ [Emergency declaration special frame ( * 1)] For small and medium -sized enterprises, such as in mid -sized companies [5 or less employees] 1 million yen to 5 million yen [6 to 20 employees] 1 million yen to 10 million yen[21 or more employees] 1 million yen to 15 million yen

・ [Minimum wage frame] Both small and medium -sized enterprises, such as small and medium -sized companies [5 or less employees] 1 million yen to 5 million yen [6 to 20 employees] 1 million yen to 10 million yen [21 employees 21 or more] 1 million yen to 15 million yen

Business reconstruction subsidy subsidy rate

・ [Normal frame] SMEs, etc. 2/3 (1/2 parts exceeding 60 million yen) 1/2 (1/3 of the parts exceeding 40 million yen) ・ [Large -scale wage frame] middle smallCompanies, etc. 2/3 (1/2 parts exceeding 60 million yen) 1/2 (1/3 of the parts exceeding 40 million yen) ・ [Graduation frame] SMEs 2/3 · [Global V -shaped recovery frame] Mid -sized companies, etc. 1/2 · [Special frame for emergency declarations] 3/4 middle -sized companies, etc./3

* There are parts that will be changed each time.For details, please check the latest overview.

[Supplement] The range of small and medium -sized businesses in small and medium -sized enterprises is equivalent to the range specified by the Small and Medium Enterprise Law, but there are some differences depending on the type of industry.Manufacturing and other: Companies with capital 300 million yen or less or company with 300 employees or individual wholesale business: Companies with capital or employee 100 million yen or less companies and individuals: 5,000 capitalCompanies with 10,000 yen or less or companies with 50 employees or less and personal service business: Companies and individuals with a capital of 50 million yen or less or 100 employees or less

[Note 1] The so -called “monster large company”, such as subsidiaries of large companies, is not eligible for support.[Note 2] If the average annual average amount of taxable income for each business year or the year of each business year exceeds 1.5 billion yen for the last three years (declared), support as a mid -sized company, not a small business.Will be eligible.[Note 3] "Small and medium -sized enterprises", which includes corporate unions, cooperative unions, and business cooperatives, "SMEs", and "SMEs", and general incorporated associations, general incorporated associations that provide profitable businesses., NPO corporations are also eligible for support.

Business rebuilding subsidy subsidy expenses

What kind of thing can be applied for business reconstruction subsidies?The outline is as follows.

Building expenses ① Expenses required for the construction and renovation of buildings that are indispensable for implementing offices, production facilities, processing facilities, sales facilities, inspection facilities, joint workplaces, warehouses, and other business plans used for the subsidy project exclusively. Expenses required for the removal of buildings required for the implementation of the subsidy project ③ Expense machinery equipment / system construction costs required to restore the original state of rental properties required for the implementation of the subsidy project (1) Used for the auxiliary project Purchase, manufacturing and borrowing of machinery equipment, tools and equipment (measurement tools, inspection tools, etc.) ② Expenses required for purchasing and building dedicated software and information systems used for subsidy projects ③) Expense technology introduction, which is performed together with ②, and transportation, and transportation, expenses required to implement the book business expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expenditure Expenditure Expenses Expensive Expert Expensive transportation expenses paid, expenses required for home delivery, postage, etc. The use of cloud services Use of cloud services is a part of the processing and design (design) and inspections required to execute books. Expenses (contracts, commissions, etc.) expenses Intellectual property rights, etc. Related expenses, etc. New products and services procedures agency for patent attemptors to acquire intellectual property rights, such as patent rights, etc. Creating advertisements (pamphlets, videos, photos, etc.) for products and services developed or provided in the books related to the acquisition of intellectual property rights, such as translation fees for foreign patent applications, etc. And media posting, exhibition exhibition exhibitions (including overseas exhibitions), seminars, market research, sales agency use, marketing tool utilization, etc. Expense training expenses necessary for the execution of the book business, etc. Expenses Overseas travel expenses * Expenses required for overseas travel and accommodation that are indispensable for this business, which are indispensable for this business, etc. aimed at expanding and strengthening overseas business only for graduation frames and global V -shaped recovery frames * When applying for used goods Is required to estimate three or more companies.

I will give some supplementary explanations.① Construction cost First of all, the following three can be applied for construction costs.・ Expenses and subsidies required for construction and renovation of buildings that are indispensable for implementing offices, production facilities, processing facilities, sales facilities, inspection facilities, joint workplaces, warehouses, and other business plans used for the assistance project exclusivelyExpenses required for removing buildings required for implementation, expenses required for rental properties required for implementing subsidy projects, etc.

It is a nice point that it was recognized by a large framework such as "office" and "warehouse" this time.There is a description of "construction and renovation of a building that is indispensable for implementing a business plan", so I think that the application will be applied for a restaurant for taking out lunches.The point to be aware of in the building cost is that it is not possible to apply for the cost of removing buildings and restoring rental properties.Both are "for the implementation of the subsidy project...If you apply for removal or restore the original state, the idea is that it is a prerequisite to apply for new business assets necessary for business expansion according to the business plan. "In addition, you cannot apply for land, building purchase costs, or property rent.

(2) Machine devices, system construction costs machine equipment, system construction costs can be applied for the following items.・ Exclusive mechanical devices used for subsidy projects, expenses required for tools and equipment (measuring tools, inspection tools, etc.), expenses required for borrowing ・ Exclusive software used for subsidy businesses, information systems, etc.Expenses required for purchase, construction and borrowing ・ Expenses required for improvement / repair, installation, or transportation that are integrated with the above

It is thought that stores whose store sales have decreased due to Corona evil can apply for system construction costs and service usage fees when introducing EC sites. However, it is important to note that the labor cost of the engineer who built the system is not eligible for application. ⑨ Advertising and sales promotion expenses advertising and sales promotion costs are covered by the following.・ Creating advertisements (pamphlets, videos, photos, etc.) of products and services developed or provided in this project, expenses and exhibition exhibitions (including overseas exhibitions), seminars, market research, sales agency use. , Expenses advertising and sales promotion costs related to marketing tools, etc. are large, so it is easy to enter into business planning, and it is easy to formulate a rational and compelling business plan. But it is one of the application costs to consider. Advertising and sales promotion are a set to pursue profits. Of course, no matter how good you can make, you will not make a profit unless you know it. It is very useful that advertising and sales promotion costs can be implemented in 1/3 of the original. When planning a business in a new business, you should be careful not to consider this item. It should be noted that advertising and sales promotion costs are only expenses related to the subsidy project to apply for this time. It is not possible to apply for sales promotion expenses that are usually conducted in the business.

⑩ The training cost is the last “training cost”.The following contents can be applied as expenses.

・ Expenses that can be paid for the know -how of new businesses and practical training for the expense of the education and drills necessary for the execution of this project and the course of the course.Since it is possible to increase the organization power, depending on how you use it, it will be a great benefit as advertising and sales promotion costs.This is also not eligible for training other than the subsidy project.When applying, it is necessary to specify that the business plan must be described in the business plan, "(1) training name, (2) training, (3) training cost, (4) training fee, and (4) training students.there is.

Examples of expenses not subject to business reconstruction subsidies

So what are the cases of non -assisted expenses?Here are some of the examples that have many questions.

・ Purchase expenses ・ Purchase expenses (costs for purchasing PCs, smartphones, vehicles, furniture, etc.) ・ Utility costs and raw materials costs

Inquiries regarding business reconstruction subsidies

The official inquiries of the business reconstruction subsidy are as follows.

■ Business reconstruction Inquiries ・ Business reconstruction subsidy secretariatin call center [Reception hours] 9: 00-18: 00 (excluding Sundays and holidays) [Phone number] 0570-012-08803-4216-4080

・ Business reconstruction subsidy secretariat system support center [Reception hours] 9:00 to 18:00 (excluding weekends and holidays) [Phone number] 050-88881-6942


Business reconstruction subsidies are one of the attractive subsidies for companies that have a high auxiliary and declining sales, but they are a subsidy with many conditions and prior preparations.Please check the contents of this article and proceed with preparation in advance.If you have any questions, we recommend that you ask the business reconstruction secretariat or the certified support organization you are trying to request.


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