The evolving “best” web browser “Vivaldi” dramatically improves the usability of Android tablets

The evolving “best” web browser “Vivaldi” dramatically improves the usability of Android tablets

The developer of Vivaldi, one of the recommended web browsers, has recently announced an important update.The latest version of "Vivaldi 5.0" supports Android not only on Mac, Windows and Linux, but also for what should be noted.

Vivaldi version 5 has some new features for PCs, but new and attractive features are concentrated on the mobile version.By the way, Vivaldi's mobile version refers to Android (Vivaldi for iOS is not available).

This update is particularly focused on Android tablets, and has been used to make web browsing on a large screen comfortable.This is that Google has not achieved it with his own browser.

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As a matter of fact, I have never heard of an app that is optimized for Android tablets recently.And it is the core of dissatisfaction with the iPad that moves on Android on the "alternative".All of these devices are inconvenient for software.


Nevertheless, it should be mentioned in the fact that Google is working to improve the ease of use of tablet terminals.The results are scheduled to be included in the next version of Android, which has just been released.

But if you use Vivaldi 5.0, you don't have to wait for Google update.You can enjoy web browsing on the Android tablet as soon as possible.

Equipped with a convenient tab stick function

One of the most appreciated functions in Vivaldi's mobile version is a tabstack function that allows tabs to be grouped.Moreover, it can be used on both Android smartphones and tablet terminals.

Specifically, the tab group is placed on the first stage, and the tabs under the selected group are lined up in the second stage.Press and hold a "new tab" and a new tab opens in the second stage.

If you select the first tab, the second tab will be hidden, but even if the color becomes lighter, it is displayed, so you can see that there is a tab under the main tab.The creation of a tab stack can be drag and dropped on the "tab switcher" screen.

I thought this tabstack function would like it on a tablet terminal, but I found it very convenient for smartphones.I think it would be really nice if a function that could synchronize the tabstack opened on a PC on a PC was added to the smartphone (at the moment).

However, even if there is no special feature of synchronization, the tab stack is an excellent mechanism that separates work and the privision tabs on mobile devices.It also excels in "hiding" the tab.For example, even if a child plays a parent's smartphone, there is no danger that he was looking for a present online.

Compatible with side panels on tablet devices

Another large update in the mobile version is a function dedicated to tablet terminals.Vivaldi has a "panel" for displaying bookmarks, history, memos, downloads, etc., which can now be displayed as a side panel like the PC version.