[Report the 14 -day isolation period after entering China] Strictly dealing with the Chinese government and overseas travelers, such as inspection system at the airport and led by police cars |

[Report the 14 -day isolation period after entering China] Strictly dealing with the Chinese government and overseas travelers, such as inspection system at the airport and led by police cars |

In 2020, where traffic with countries around the world was severely restricted to prevent the spread of the new colon virus.A Japanese company in China, a family member of a Japanese company, and a member involved in research at Yamato Gokokoro could not return to Shanghai while returning to Japan for a Lunar New Year's holiday in Japan, but finally returned at the end of November.I have done it.Report on the procedure before traveling to China and the status of two weeks of isolation after entering the country.

・搭乗便:中国国際航空 CA930 東京成田16:55→上海浦東19:20
・隔離ホテル:上海市長寧区 全季上海虹桥吴中路酒店

[Procedure until the day before travel]



Scan the QR code and enter personal information, which is directly reflected in the certificate.It takes time to input for three families, but Japan is unexpectedly advanced and is safe.The negative certificate is issued after 17:00 to 18:00 the next day

PCR 33,000 yen + antibody 5,500 yen + English document fee 11,000 yen = 49,500 yen/person

[Train to Narita Airport]


[Procedures for departure at Narita Airport]


▲ Enter the “Chinese Sea Seiseki Entrance Health Donimation” from the Wechat app in your smartphone.If you scan the English version, you can choose Japanese input

At the end of this, it is finally arranged in the counter line.After check -in, it ends with temperature inspection.The staff is quickly guided to the automatic gate, and the departure ends just by holding the passport.No fingerprint or departure stamp.

All the airline staff of the boarding gate are protected clothes.The boarding time starts a little delay.He showed the last QR code of the "Chinese Sea Seiseki Entrance Health Book" registered earlier, and was given a bactericidal tissue and wiped his hands after exceeding the wrist temperature inspection and boarding gate.

[In the airplane, all CAs are protective clothing]

The boarding rate is 8, 90 %.Impression of Japanese and Chinese half and half.There were one or two protected clothing passengers, but the others were almost masks.All CAs are protective clothing, and there is no drink by CA.There was one water plastic bottle in the pocket in front of the seat.There is no earphone rental.Arrived more than 30 minutes earlier than planned at around 18:30 local time.Get off the plane three rows from the front.

▲ In -flight meal is a simple lunch style

[Immigration examination: Shanghai Pudong Airport]

After falling, proceed to Road Street and confirm the "Chinese Sea Seiseki Entrance Health Book" registered at Narita Airport.Since it was a matter of China, I needed to check the "border", but I misunderstood it as a departure from Japan and just checked the "boundary", so I re -entered it.All the staff at Pudong Airport are protective clothing.Move to an outdoor prefab and perform a PCR test.

Normal immigration and luggage are received along the route.After applying for "Airport Entrance Passenger Information Registration", save the screenshot of the QR code displayed on the last page for the number of people.

▲ After applying for "Airport Entrance Passenger Information Registration", the displayed QR code will be presented at any time.

[Divide into a residential area and go to a isolation hotel]

Shanghai and others are divided, and Shanghai is further divided into areas for each residential area.Present the QR code, passport, and boarding pass of "Airport Entrance Passenger Information".Tell the hotel isolation for 14 days or the hotel is isolation for 7 days + 7 days.There are many people who are related to Japan who live in the same ward, so they have a long line.After confirmation, wait for the bus to the isolated hotel to come.I heard that you may sit on the floor and wait for hours, but a chair is prepared for the number of people, and it is not cold because it is indoors.There is bread and water, and the staff are all kind.Even those who do not understand words will explain in English and Chinese so that they can understand.The bus can be heard at 23:30 after 2 hours.

▲ Divided by residential area and wait for the bus to the isolation hotel

After 22:30, the name was called and went to the procedure before getting on the bus at about 15 people.Finally, everyone is told that they are followed, and there is no confirmation of the name.When using the elevator, the staff considers it so that it will not be closer.The QR code of "Airport Entrance Passenger Information Register" is posted on the back of the passport, and walks for a moment to get on the bus to the hotel.

You can load your luggage yourself under the bus, and you can seat freely.The two rows of the previous two rows are not sitting, and the ride rate is about 50 %.The departure is 23:30.Leaded by a police car and went to a isolated hotel with two large buses.

[Isolated life at the hotel started] November 27 -December 2nd

▲ At the hotel entrance, "Isolated liquor store.

At 0:30 on November 27, we arrived at the Shanghai Rainbow Road Lake Store, which is the isolation hotel at 0:30 at midnight.Staff who came by bus together from the airport and staff at the hotel were documents in protective clothing.Distribute books.Furthermore, for the hotel check -in, enter the QR code and enter the passport information for the number of people.The hotel WiFi enters from this point.The room number is filled in the upper right of the "Health State Information Registration Table", and it is asked to take a picture so that you do not forget it.Since there are only two staff members, there are not enough documents to be distributed, I do not understand the words, and everyone is helping each other, but I am in a hurry, but I enter and enter in a hurry.

When you get off the bus, it is divided by the floor where the suitcase is staying, and check if you have your own.

From the back door to the hotel.Climb to the 6th and 7th floors from the dark and damp back stairs.It was said that he was waiting in the corridor in front of the room because he entered the room in order, but was impressed by the protective clothing staff who did not understand the words immediately in Chinese.

▲ A paper bag containing a tablet for disinfecting tablets used in water for each room for each room

A Japanese person in a single room, if the staff is opened, the key is not cleaned, the key is not opened, the room has been replaced, and the staff finally comes to us and enters the room.I can't get the key because the staff has it.After being disinfected, the suitcase is transported in front of the elevator and goes to get it.In the room, there are 550ml of drinking water, WiFi, towels, slippers, water heaters, cups, and dryers.

▲ Put it on the desk outside the room

November 27, 3 times of meals, 2 times temperature inspection/every

At 8:00 in the morning, breakfast is on the desk in the corridor.Replenishment of garbage bags is also on the corridor desk.

10:00 knocked, temperature inspection.When I try to get up a sleeping child, I entered the room to see if I could enter.The opponent tries to wear a protective clothing, in a hurry, but he doesn't care at all.

10:30 Corridor disinfection 11:30 Lunch 14:00 Corridor disinfection 16:00 Temperature measurement 17:30 Dinner

The garbage is put together in a yellow medical waste garbage bag, moisturizes the disinfecting tablet with the melted water, tie the outer bag firmly, and put it in the corridor by 19:00 every day.

【中国入国後、14日間の隔離期間をレポート】空港での検査体制、パトカーに先導されての移動など、中国政府、海外からの渡航者に厳重対処  | やまとごころ.jp

You can go to the elevator for your toothbrush and toilet paper.The child doesn't eat much lunch, so call the front desk and have one less.Both hotel and lunch are self -expense.

▲ Such meals are delivered three times a day outside the room.Breakfast on the left, lunch on the right

On November 28, my home becomes a isolated specification in the afternoon

10:00 There is a phone call from the home apartment residential committee.I can return to my apartment tomorrow at the earliest, so my husband in the apartment is asked what to do.Tell us that we will go to the hotel when we return to the apartment.Surprisingly, on the afternoon of the afternoon, when I was told that I would spend the isolation period at home, a "isolation" paper was stuck in front of the room, and wasolated.

The next day, there is a phone call from the hotel front desk that you can go home today.She tells her that her husband in her house is currently going to the hotel from December 2nd, so she wants to return home on December 2.

December 2nd, to isolation at home

▲ Traveling to home is also available by staff wearing protective clothing

At 9:00, you will receive a "home isolation notice" and you will be asked to prepare your luggage by 10:00.At the same time, the front desk is 2,580 yuan (about 41,280 yen) for 6 nights and 7 days (about 41,280 yen).If you tell you that you will pay with the treasure (Alipay), press the payment on the mobile phone screen, read out the barcode number that came out, and you will receive a payment completion message.

10:00 A woman in protective clothing guides me to put a large luggage on the elevator.Humans go outside from the back stairs as when they came.A large bus ride on the bus with the other two Japanese people on the bus.In addition, there was also a pick -up car.It takes a long time to issue a voting at the front desk, and the protective clothing staff on the bus boarding says that they are all.

10:15 Departing the hotel.This time, there is no leader of a police car.

[The second half of the isolation life is at home] December 2 to December 10


Do not leave the room during your home isolation period, the temperature test is twice a day, the garbage is served by 8:30 every morning before the entrance, and the delivery is possible at 8-17 o'clock, but it is not directly received outside the entrance.It will be placed.If you violate it, you will be punished by law, and join the condominium isolation weChat group created by the Residential Committee.A surveillance camera has been installed, and the paper stating that "this house is isolated and scheduled to be released on December 11" is also on the wall at the entrance.

▲ The surveillance camera is installed, and every time you open the door, you can hear it.

On December 4th, registered a temporary accommodation registration form in a hurry

It is said that a "temporary accommodation registration form" is needed, and you notice that you have not registered.According to the provisions of Article 39, Paragraph 2 of the Chinese People's Republic of China, "If foreigners live or stay in other addresses other than accommodation facilities such as hotels, they will or have within 24 hours from the start of lodging and occupancy.It must be registered for public security agencies that have jurisdiction over the area. "

From last year, I was able to apply online without going to a public security organization, so I hurriedly registered my family.

December 9th, the last PCR test

At 8:00 in the morning, the inspector came to home without notice and had the last PCR test.I have only the throat from my nose and throat.

December 10 Receive the "Health Observation Cancel Notice"

A 14 -day isolation period after entering China and a "Health Observation Cancellation Notice", which indicates that it was not infected with the new Coronavirus, was handed by a medical staff in protective clothing, each of which was handed in hand.Is taken.The paper stating that isolation will be canceled at 1:00 am on December 11 has the last PCR test negative result.

Take a picture of the "Health Observation Cancellation Notice", send it to the isolation weChat group of the apartment, and inform the resident committee.

A friend came to receive souvenirs from Japan in front of the entrance, and the residence committee immediately calls my mobile phone.It is possible for me to receive things from the outside in non -contact, but I should never go outside because my home may be contaminated.

In the isolation weChat group, some people wrote with their names, saying, "Because you violated the epidemic proof rules, we will contact you within one hour."

December 11th 1:00 am isolation cancellation

The day after wasolated, I went out of the room for the first time in two weeks and dumped trash to the 1st floor of the apartment.On the 1st floor of the apartment, the person in the building in this building is isolated.

[Applications indispensable for living in China]

"Jointing (Health Code)" is a QR code that expresses the health status in the QR code to enhance the preventive management of the new colon virus.The Chinese hygiene health department analyzes personal information collected from public security and so on so that the risk status can be confirmed at a glance.By using this QR code, it is possible to efficiently manage public facilities, which are likely to cause collective infection, and are now indispensable for living in China.

▲ The health status is shown in three colors, green, yellow, and red.

Display your health status in 3 colors


Register personal health status from apps such as a treasure that can be used by foreigners (Alipay) and the Chinese -only mini program.When the green QR code comes out, it can be used as a border health registration or a public facility "certificate of entry and exit".

In recent Shanghai, you don't have to show it when you get on a train, but you need to show it when you enter a specific building.At Shanghai Japanese School, when you start re -school, you will need to present the "Green Application of the person or parent" and the "Health Observation Cancellation Notice".

Also, from December 1, passengers from Japan to China needed to present a "health code" for boarding.

The isolation is released, but it remains red ...

Since the isolation was released at 1:00 am on December 11, I immediately checked the health code linked to Alipay, but it was not green.I heard the story of other people who became green at the same time as the isolation release, so I immediately sent the "Health Observation Cancellation Notice" issued yesterday from the feedback at the bottom of the screen.

At 14:11 on the same day, a message is entered on the mobile phone, saying, "Please send a health observation cancellation notice by e -mail to the Shanghai City Government because there is some information that is still isolated."

After a whole day since the isolation was released on December 12, the health cord was finally green.If you go outside and ask for a health code presentation somewhere, if it is red, you will be able to go out with confidence.


All the staff involved in Japan and Shanghai are already used to Corona's measures, and they have been carefully answered that they would have been asked the same questions many times.

After arriving in Shanghai, all the information was immediately shared, and I was surprised at the speed of response, such as the home apartment residence committee, which I had never contacted before.

During the isolation of the hotel, I had never turned on a room TV.Although the child may be old, wifi is connected and brought for entertainment, 3 mobile phones, one tablet, 2 PCs, Nintendo switches, Trump, UNO, and board games, so there was no need to attach a TV.。I felt a change in needs.

Immediately after being isolated from the hotel, we deliver Marugame Seimen, which was missing in Japan, and skewers with cumin scent in China.Even if I couldn't get out of my house, there was no problem at all because it was a daily life where I got everything in delivery before Corona."Temporary accommodation registration" and health code inquiries were all online.