The reason for the reason for the conviction that Toin Gakuen Medium -class classified the "Mock United Nations" is also available for the International Tournament winners and those who have passed the Tokyo University.

The reason for the reason for the conviction that Toin Gakuen Medium -class classified the "Mock United Nations" is also available for the International Tournament winners and those who have passed the Tokyo University.

Photo: Toyo Economic Education x ICT

桐蔭学園中等が「模擬国連」を授業化した納得理由 部活は国際大会受賞者や東大推薦合格者も輩出

Did you know the activity of the United Nations, which is a representative ambassador to the country and discusses in the form of the United Nations? Tournament is also held every year in Japan and overseas, and many high schools are working on club activities. Toin Gakuen Intermediate School (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) is also one of the powerful schools, and in 2021 won the highest award at the international tournament. From FY21, he has been using the know -how of club activities and has begun an exploration class based on the "Mock Union" for third -year students. Interviews have revealed that various powers are cultivated through the Model UN. See the images of this article. What is an exploratory class for second -year students, what is the bass "Model UN"? Toin Gakuen Intermediate School has been in the Mock -of -Films from April 2021 for Model UN. The class "15 -year -old global challenge" started. The "Model UN" is an activity in which the participants become the ambassador of the country assigned to themselves, and in light of the situation in the country in charge and the issues of the international community, they are searching for solutions in the same UN meeting. 。 It is said that the "Model International Federation" held at Harvard University in 1923 is said to be the origin. It has been highly evaluated as an educational program because of various advantages, such as understanding international politics, and has been adopted in classes and extracurricular activities at universities and high schools around the world. There are also tournaments in Japan, and many schools have a mock United Nations in club activities, but "I probably used the first school in Japan, probably in Japan." Japanese language) speaks. What kind of class content is it? The goal of the class is the "UN General Assembly" held in English at the end of the year. For that, the students have been working on various activities over the past year. First of all, in the first class of the year, the country in charge was assigned for each group of 3 to 4 people, and a total of 70 ambassadors were born in 10 countries in 10 countries. Students have examined the current situation by examining the geography, culture, history, and political issues in Japan and overseas. At the end of the fiscal year, we presented and voted for the agenda proposals of the UN General Assembly, and the agenda was decided to be "global warming" and "water problem". In the second semester, the United Nations General Assembly also practiced, and under the fictitious setting that all ambassadors would eat the same lunch, we held the UN Bento Council, aiming for the philosophy of the United Nations and the menu. Through policy decisions, drafting and disseminating diplomatic books, and official remarks throughout the grade, how to negotiate with other countries to solve their own problems, taking into account religion, social issues, and power balance. He has learned whether to aim. Based on these learning, the third semester will work on the "global warming" and "water problems", a summary meeting at the end of the year. In the three -year class, which was visited in mid -January 2022, the direction of each country was adjusted in the library. After Professor Hashimoto confirmed and introduced the world news, the students first started discussions within their own countries and the content they aim for at the meeting. Then, a nominated ambassador's student starts the presentation. For example, the ambassador of the South Sudan Republic explained that the water in its country was polluted and said, "I would like to request cooperation from developed countries and developing countries." In addition, we will discuss what we want to solve, and organize solutions into worksheets. It was impressive that he was seriously exchanging opinions while using ICT, such as searching for a tablet terminal and taking notes, and he was used to group work. "I have been able to see things from a multifaceted perspective," he has realized its usefulness from the activities of the UN Memorial Office, an advisor, and has long been planning this class. It was said that it was blessed with the timing of renewing the program by gender education in 2019. He talks about the aim of curriculum development. "In the six -year integrated education class, we have learned basic skills such as organizing, analyzing, and presentations in moderate first and second graders, and has been writing research papers in fifth graders (second graders in high school). I wanted you to see the world from various angles at the stage of the third grader just before writing the paper and wrote the dissertation. For students to grow explosively, the "natural" in them. I needed to break it, and I thought it could be realized by introducing a mock United Nations that negotiates with various countries with different backgrounds. " I feel the response that we have come to see things multifically. "When you look at the world, you can only think from a 15 -year -old perspective as an individual, but by becoming an ambassador to the country, you can see it from multiple perspectives even in the same thing. This experience is a resilience. I think it will be useful when you are connected or when you get stuck in the future. "(Professor Hashimoto) In addition, as you are preparing for the meeting, research power, logical thinking, problem solving, and presentation, presentation. A variety of power, such as power, will be acquired. It is said that negotiations that lead to peaceful solutions are especially cultivated. "The purpose of the United Nations is to think about how to unite world peace, so it's important to understand the other person, not to defeat the other person with a debate, and understand the opinions of the other person and agree. Find out. I value that, "says Hashimoto. Instead of defeating, I will also introduce the "Mockings of the Federation" in the second semester (high school) club (high school), which is the starting point of classes that value opinions. This achievement is really brilliant. The All Japan High School Mock Association has won the Best Ambassador Award seven times, and the international tournament has participated 11 times in the seventh consecutive year and has finally won the highest prize in 2021. In the past, the United Nations has produced four successful applicants by selecting school recommendations to the University of Tokyo. "It may be related to the group debate and the strength of listening," says Hashimoto. Professor Hashimoto, who has been an advisor since 2007, when the UN department was formed by the students' intentions, said, "I was asked by a student to take advantage of my advisor, so I learned with them. We are discussing, and the students may be fighting each other during club activities. " While practicing jointly with other schools, I realized the importance of the "listening power" of the other party, and changed to the current guidance that emphasized that "I will lose if I fight. Become a person who can create a parliament where everyone can participate." Say. Now he is a powerful school, but he always tells students. "The important thing is not to shake what you are doing for. I think that the way and behavior are important, rather than going to achieve results," What kind of thing should you think of the world? " You can say how you want to be a person or how this club activity will contribute to it in your own words. " Yes, every year, half of the members are determined by the comprehensive selection, saying, "I want to learn this at this university." It is said that many students who want to use the medical school tend to gather, whether they want to use the meaning of life themselves. There are currently 19 members. Twice a week, we focus on preparations and reflections for the tournament and joint practice with other schools. In 2010, students who entered the school in the first year of gender will be in the second half of the year, so it is possible that the first female member will join. "I have heard that women in the United Nations are easy to solve if women are involved in negotiations in conflict issues. There will be some different perspectives," said Hashimoto. The United Nations UN is now a five -year student Kira Tabata who is the director of the Mock United Nations. He is the Ace that won the highest award (President's Award) at the 2021 international tournament, which was held online. At first, Mr. Tabata, who was forcibly invited by his seniors and joined, realized that he was suitable for himself who likes to speak. In addition, the number of countries he knows has increased, and he has become interested in various news in the world. He is now feeling his home country all over the world. In the Mocks, the ability to speak, logical thinking, and the basic skills of discussions can be trained, but "I am now able to see things from various angles" that I was not good at. Speak. I strongly felt that in the 21 -year international tournament. "Suddenly, an unexpected mission came down," Suddenly, a US plane with Indian poison gas exploded in Panama. Explain your thoughts in 15 minutes. " I realized that I was able to think about it, "said Tabata. In addition to this ability, there are many participants who strongly assert the interests of the country in charge, and analyzed that the fact that the Japanese spirit of Japan supported them from behind may be a factor in the award. In addition, I took this opportunity to deepen my thoughts on the future. "The theme of the discussion of the international tournament was" Battle Drone equipped with AI ", but since it was related to" AI and legal regulations ", which I was interested in, I would like to contribute to society again in this area. (Mr. Tabata) (Mr. Tabata) Mr. Tabata, who has been praised by Professor Hashimoto, has a lot of excellent people, such as those who are good at speaking and those who are good at thinking. It is said that it is. Being able to meet attractive people seems to be the advantage of working on the United Nations. "I think the United Nations is one of the growth tools to become a way of becoming myself, and I think that there are so many activities that I can do if I do it seriously. It's very enviable to be able to experience it. "(Mr. Tabata) The" 15 -year -old Global Challenge ", which is the second year since April 2010, is already interested in junior high school students' parents. In the future, Professor Hashimoto will prepare teaching materials so that all teachers can classify, and further brush up while considering the tricks that involve the type of students such as "I am not interested in anything other than mathematics." A little earlier, when the third grader is in the fifth grader, he will leave the meeting to the meeting, and he says, "I'm looking forward to that time." In the future, the school will become the standard not only in club activities but also in classes. It seems that the students can grow further. (Sentence: Akiko Sakai, no Note: Provided by Toin Gakuen Intermediate School)

Toyo Economic Education x ICT Editorial Department
