83.4 %, 1113 million people on individual bases ... Changes in the penetration rate of the Internet

83.4 %, 1113 million people on individual bases ... Changes in the penetration rate of the Internet

Access functions on the Internet, which is now implemented in home game consoles, as well as mobile phones such as personal computers and smartphones, as well as household game consoles.The Internet is used in various scenes and departments, indicating an indispensable infrastructure position for life.So what is the penetration rate of the Internet in Japan?This "Internet penetration rate" can be confirmed from multiple perspectives, but this time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, in June 2021, the report and the content of the published values.Check.

According to the latest version (2020 edition) "Communication Usage Trend Survey", the Internet penetration rate as of the end of September 2020 (the rate of people who have used the Internet at least once in the past year) is 83..It is 4 %.

The definition of "Internet use" as a result of this survey is "6 years old or older", "PCs, mobile phones (including conventional mobile phones but also smartphones and PHS), home game consoles, tablet -type terminals, etc.I have accessed the Internet on the terminal. "In other words, there is no purpose for private, work, academic purpose, etc., and the possession of the applicable model.For example, access from the Internet cafe and browsing on a smartphone are also "users".

At the end of 1997, the population penetration rate was 9.It was only 2 %.However, it rose rapidly from the end of the 20th century to the 21st century, exceeding 70 % at the end of 2005.Since then, the growth rate has slowed, but the rise has continued.On the other hand, in recent years, it has been declining, which is probably due to the increase in the total population ratio of the elderly.

From around 2000 to the present, except for some schools, etc., the scheme between "PC" and "Internet" is established.Almost the same number of personal computers uses the Internet to use it.Of course, from such a situation, the graph shows a movement similar to the computer extension rate.

It is probable that the penetration rate has slowed down since 2005 because many households and individuals who intend to introduce and intends to use up to that point have introduced the environment.The remaining untrusted individuals are those who have weak intentions to use the Internet, or are in an environment that is difficult to use.It is not easy to start using those users.Although the height of the hurdle is gradually decreasing, it is difficult for everyone to smoothly cross the barrier.Or some people don't find it significant to go beyond the hurdles.

However, in recent years, as it is known from several other articles and "communication usage survey", smartphones have become popular as a casual access tool on the Internet.It is also true that a "personal computer separation" phenomenon is occurring.In recent years, there is a sign that the link between PC penetration and Internet population penetration has diminished.

One of the methods to increase the Internet penetration rate is promoting active spread of mobile devices, including smartphones.Compared to Internet connection via a personal computer, mobile terminals are extremely simplified in procedures, preparation, and environmental development.There are some aspects that are limited to personal computers, such as access restrictions and expression abilities, but there are many benefits of mobile phones and other mobile terminals, such as being able to hold them at any time.Now, for young people, mobile phones (mostly smartphones are actually smartphones) are not as a personal computer.

If we aim to spread the Internet as an infrastructure to be maintained, we will focus on promoting the spread of mobile terminals (which can connect to the Internet) or tablet -type terminals, along with further improvements in the broadband environment.It is better.In fact, overseas, especially emerging countries, the Internet users and users are increasing rapidly, focusing on the spread of mobile devices.

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* Communication usage trend survey

In September 2020, in September 2020, "For households, the households and members of the household who are over 20 years old, selected by the two -stage random extraction method selected by the prefectural and urban size as a layered standard.It is performed by distributing and recovering survey forms by mail or online, for companies, for companies with a regular employee who belongs to the industry except for public affairs.The number of valid responses is 17,345 households (44,035), respectively, and 2223 companies.Various values are conducted in census and weightbacks according to the distribution of the industry and scale of nationwide companies.

(Note) The graphs and charts in the text are created by the author based on quotes or materials described as long as there are no special notes.

(Note) The photos in the text are those taken by the author based on the materials described in the text, or taken in interviews.

(Note) Articles The numbers used in the title, text, graphs, etc. may be described after exclusive decimal girders, so that they are the optimal display on the spot.Therefore, the total value of the displayed numbers may not match completely.

(Note) If the value of the graph is adjusted to make it easier to see the movement of the graph, the value of the graph axis is not zero, the value may be enclosed in a circle to catch the attention.。

(Note) In the graph, the notation of items (such as sending kana) may be abbreviated or changed to adjust the appearance.In addition, "~" may be described as "-".

(Note) "PPT" in the graph means a % point.

(Note) "(Large) Earthquake" means the Great East Japan Earthquake unless there are special or detailed notation.

(Note) This article is partially added and changed to the article published in [Gerbage News].