How should we use "Windows 11 x modern PC" for working style updates?I asked the people in Microsoft Japan directly: IT person must -see!(Page 1/3)

How should we use "Windows 11 x modern PC" for working style updates?I asked the people in Microsoft Japan directly: IT person must -see!(Page 1/3)

 After a long -term self -restraint period, many companies and business people will have gained know -how for "telework", which works regardless of location.On the other hand, it is also true that there are tasks that cannot be turned smoothly with online alone.

 As a result, the "hybrid work", which combines office work and telework, has become more attention as a realistic solution to the business scene.

 The appropriate balance between office work and telework depends on the company and the business content, but it is essential to have a high -performance laptop that can perform high performance to realize a new way of working.Many companies and information systems of companies and organizations are in charge of IT / information systems for companies and organizations to the choice of "partner" to enhance employee's potential.

 What I want to remember is the "modern PC" proposed by Microsoft Japan.The new OS "Windows 11", which appeared in the fall of 2021, not only improves functions to make it easier to use PCs, but also improves security reliability."Modern PC x Windows 11" will definitely be the "power" of employees.

 That said, it's been a while since it was released, and many people don't have a lot of information about Windows 11.I understand the feeling of anxiety, "Is it really okay to introduce it?"

 So, I asked the "Windows 11 in Japan" and the point of concern about "Windows 11" to "Windows 11" to the Japan Microsoft Ryotaka Kasugai.I would be grateful if it could be helpful in choosing a PC in companies and organizations.

やりたいことをよりシンプルにこなせるようになった「Windows 11」さまざまな質問に答えてくださった日本マイクロソフトの春日井良隆氏

What is the recent PC selection trend?

―― First of all, please briefly introduce yourself.

働き方のアップデートに「Windows 11×モダンPC」をどう活用すべき? 日本マイクロソフトの中の人に直接聞いてみた:IT担当者必見!(1/3 ページ)

Mr. Kasugai: I belong to a team in charge of "Microsoft 365" in the Marketing Division of Japan Microsoft.This team has Windows, Office, and security products.

 What I am in charge of is "Windows 11" and "Microsoft Teams".It's like a "child" for me, so I'm very happy as a "parent" if you get bigger and loved.

――I've got into the main subject immediately, but what kind of changes have been changed to the use of a PC in the last one or two years?Based on that change, please let me know if you have any points you want to keep in choosing the best PC for telework or hybrid work.

Mr. Kasugai, as you all know, in the past year or two, the means of communication had to be transferred from "face -to -face" to "online".From work and learning to private life, everything is being done in remote, and there are more situations where you rely on devices such as smartphones, tablets, and notebook PCs.

 Against this background, the number of scenes using web conferencing tools has increased dramatically.If it is a PC, the number of models with high -quality web cameras, models that increase the sound collection performance of microphones, and models that adjust the speakers so that people can easily hear it.In online communication, it is important not only to reflect the face neatly, but also to see if the "sound" reachs neatly or whether it can be heard firmly.


Kasugai Another major change is the place to work.Until now, in the business scene, I think that there was a desk when I went to the company, there was a desktop PC or a notebook PC, and most of the style was sitting and working.

 However, I was forced to work from home and I had more opportunities to work at home.Until now, I started working at work at home.Teleworks are released from the "place" of the company.In the "New Normal" era, you will be looking at working in cafes and co -working space.Working and dual life that are attracting attention are assumed that you will not choose a place to work.

 For this reason, it seems that customers who have previously chose a desktop PC are becoming increasingly stronger in choosing a laptop PC that has excellent "loading".From the viewpoint of carrying, "sturdy" has also been added to one of the consideration materials.

Windows 11を搭載する搭載ノートPCは、さまざまなメーカーからリリースされている

Which is better, "PC replacement" or "OS upgrade"?

――I think there are few systems in charge of reviewing employees' PCs with the release of Windows 11.However, when replacing a PC, it costs a certain amount of cost, so you can hear voices that are worried that you should replace it with a new PC or upgrade the existing PC OS to respond.Is there anything you can give advice about this?

Mr. Kasugai: This is also a bit difficult to give a uniform answer, as it is also involved in the "PC life cycle" that companies and organizations (system staff in charge) thinks.A PC that was introduced a year ago will work without any problems even if you upgrade, and you can reduce the cost.On the other hand, if you have a PC that was introduced four years ago, I would like you to actively consider replacement.

 According to Microsoft's survey, the average replacement cycle of PCs for small and medium -sized enterprises is 4 average..There are three years of data.Many companies and organizations will have a budget for procurement and renewal of equipment according to the cycle of your own, so I think you should choose an upgrade or replacement according to that.By the way, in Windows 11, PCs that are 3-4 years ago can generally be upgraded.It is recommended that you check whether you can upgrade using the "PC normal check application".

 Upgrade from Windows 10 to 11 is free.After upgrading, you can return to Windows 10 for 10 days, maintaining the migrated files and data.

使っているPCがWindows 11へのアップグレード要件を満たしているかどうかを確認できる「PC正常性チェックアプリ」

Mr. Kasugai If you can get both "upgrade" and "replace" options, we recommend replay and replace from the perspective of increasing employee satisfaction.That's because PCs are not simple "consumables".I would like you to purchase according to the plan and do not catch it in the same way as an office desk, such as a replacement if it is worth it due to depreciation.

 Basically, PCs tend to be better products.A fast -handed PC enhances the "fighting power" in the business scene.Although it is hard to appear in the numbers, light and easy to carry PCs, cool PCs, and good performance PCs enhance the people who use it.I think that a PC that I associate with as a work tool may have such aspects.

 By “aggressively investing” on a PC, employees' satisfaction increases, productivity, which leads to the growth of the entire company and organizations. Look at the PCs used in the organization.Some people decide to find a job or change jobs. It is also important to respond to such trends.

ノートPCは単なる「消耗品」ではなく、会社の価値や従業員のパフォーマンスを高める「仕事道具」として捉えて選ぶべきであるノートPCを選ぶ上で注目すべきポイントは? Windows 11のメリットは?1|2|3次のページへ