A new option to rent a PC instead of buying one! PC Studio's rental PC service is so convenient for both individuals and businesses!

A new option to rent a PC instead of buying one! PC Studio's rental PC service is so convenient for both individuals and businesses!

 In day-to-day corporate activities, apart from the PCs used for business in the office, one day suddenly a large number of PCs may be required. For example, new employee training, exhibitions, product and service presentations, etc. Procuring PCs for such a few events a year and letting them sit dormant for the rest of the year is clearly inefficient.

Rent a PC without buying it Option! PC Studio's rental PC service is so convenient for both individuals and businesses!</p><p>  In addition, these events, which can be calculated to some extent on an annual basis, are fine, but there are times when demand arises suddenly and we are forced to respond, as in the case of telecommuting in recent years. Even if you have no choice but to work at home, the business PC you use at the office is often not suitable for taking home. Above all, if you have a shift where you work half of the week at home and the other half at the office, it would be better to prepare a PC at both the office and at home rather than carrying one PC with you.</p><p> Alternatively, at large-scale events such as e-sports competitions, a large number of PCs may be required temporarily, and there may be times when you want to secure a certain number of PCs during the development and verification process. In such cases, buying a new PC every time or signing a lease contract on an annual basis is not enough. This is especially true in the current corona crisis, where we do not know how the situation will change in a few months.</p><p> In such a case, we would like to consider a PC rental service. Unlike leasing, which must be contracted on an annual basis, these can also meet needs that require a PC for a short period of time, such as monthly basis. Also, while PCs must be recorded as assets when purchased or leased, renting can be treated as an expense, which is a major accounting advantage.</p><p>  When using such a PC rental service, the