News UUUM to commercialize the "minecraft" distributor and license contract collaboration goods

News UUUM to commercialize the "minecraft" distributor and license contract collaboration goods

UUUM and Mojang AB concluded a license agreement ((C) 2021 Mojang AB.All Rights Reserved.Minecraft, The Minecraft Logo and The Mojang Studios Logo Are Trademarks of the Microsoft of Companies.)

ニュース UUUMが「Minecraft」販売元とライセンス契約 コラボグッズの商品化へ

 UUUM, a YouTuber Production, announced on January 19 that it has signed a license agreement with Sweden Mojang AB, the seller of the game "Minecraft", to collaborate commercialization of YouTuber.[Image] The total number of views of mineCraft -related videos is the first licensing agreement on collaboration commercialization between Mojang AB and video creators.In the future, we will sell collaboration miscellaneous goods and fashion goods that utilize MINECRAFT character skin.Minecraft has 1 monthly active user.A game that can be played on multiple platforms, such as PCs and Nintendo Switch, for 400 million people.By December 15, 2021, Youtube has gained popularity, with the total number of relevant videos over 1 trillion times.