Must -see disaster prevention staff!Corporate Disaster Prevention Stockpiling Checklist | Article List | Disaster Prevention Information Media for Corporate and Municipalities "Disaster Prevention Nippon +" Yomiuri Shimbun

Must -see disaster prevention staff!Corporate Disaster Prevention Stockpiling Checklist | Article List | Disaster Prevention Information Media for Corporate and Municipalities "Disaster Prevention Nippon +" Yomiuri Shimbun

In Japan, where major earthquakes occur at any time, the presence or absence of disaster prevention measures for companies will directly determine the life and death of employees and business continuity.In addition, the degree of impact assumed on the hazard map is described regarding the hazard map, such as heavy rains and typhoons, which are warned of the possibility of disasters in advance, so disaster risk is assumed in the location of the company and business establishments.Despite the fact that it is neglected or damaged, employees and business partners may be sued.

Disaster prevention measures in companies are subject to specific plans, not "should I do"."What should I do and how much?"Therefore, in this article, we will list the list of disaster prevention items that should be prepared in the office and office as a list, and explain specific contents.

BCP, disaster prevention, and general affairs representatives are helpful for specific disaster prevention measures and stockpiling products.The concept of preparing BCP and disaster prevention stocks and why it is necessary as a company is summarized in another article, so if you are in management and management, please take a look.

Kihon of corporate disaster prevention stockpiling!Points of stockpiling points.Redemption

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Disaster prevention measures to be implemented before preparing stockpiling

Preparing for disaster prevention stocks is important, but before that, you need to make sure that you are preparing to protect your employees' lives.Make sure that the following measures have been executed at the base / office basis.In addition, although not mentioned this time, "safety confirmation" is also required for initial response.

□ Is the buildings of the building sufficient (Is it a new seismic standard approved after June 1, 1981?) * If it is not sufficient, let's implement seismic reinforcement work or consider relocation of the base.。□ Is furniture, furniture, and equipment that are likely to fall due to a large earthquake?Is it taken? * If it is not enough, take physical measures.□ Initial fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguisher / fire hydrant) is ready and how to use it is well known. * If not enough, prepare, inform and train fire extinguishing equipment.

□ Fire evacuation routes in the building are secured, and evacuation drills are conducted or informed to employees □ Check the hazard maps around the building (tsunami, flood, landslide, earthquake fire).Is it possible to know the dangers around the office? □ If it is necessary to evacuate outdoors, can you check the nearest evacuation site and evacuation routes to guide employees? * If not enough.Let's confirm, notify and train each material.

At least these measures are required.Please check your company's countermeasures, along with securing disaster prevention stocks.

Disaster prevention items for office

As a stockpiling item that companies should prepare for disaster prevention, first check the basic disaster prevention stockpile list.

Introducing the Disaster Prevention Stock List you want to prepare by genre.The guideline of the quantity is described on the right of the product name.

Evacuation supplies [Priority: high] □ Gloves and gloves per set □ LED light per person □ Rain gear, rainwear per person [priority: medium] □ Helmet per person

Emergency / rescue supplies [priority: high] □ Type 1 for each rescue supplies set office / floor

Information collection supplies [Priority: high] □ Dry battery smartphone charger per person □ Preliminary dry battery required amount x 3 days [Priority: medium] □ One radio or one on the radio

Hygiene and toilet supplies [priority: high] □ Emergency toilet 15 times (5 times a day x 3 days) [priority: medium] 1 wet tissue


Bedding / staying supplies [priority: high] □ blanket and simple blanket per person [priority: medium] □ Each air mat

Water and food items [priority: high] □ Drinking water 3L × 3 days □ 9 meals (3 meals a day x 3 days)

Next, I will explain disaster prevention stockpiling items for each genre.Please refer to it when a disaster prevention staff procure disaster prevention stockpiling specifically.

If the office building is located in floods (tsunamis, storm surges, floods, flooding, etc.), landslides, earthquake fires, etc., and may be affected by these disasters, evacuation outdoors.It is more likely to be needed.In this case, preparation is required to quickly and safely move to the evacuation site.

The specific preparation is to check the safe evacuation routes and evacuation sites on the hazard map, etc., and to prepare the minimum "tools".Prepare the tools in the "evacuation supplies" in the above "Disaster Prevention Stock List" so that the employees in the company can quickly get out of the building when evacuation is needed.

As mentioned at the beginning, buildings and indoor safety measures are essential before preparing for disaster prevention items.However, there is always an unexpected damage, so you need to prepare tools and skills used for "rescue" and "first aid".

As a rescue supplies, purchase rescue goods sets, mainly the "bar" and "jack" necessary to remove heavy objects, and keep them in a place where you can take out the building or floor immediately.

It is difficult to assume what kind of goods you need for first aid, so you should purchase a "first aid allowance set" for about 5-10 % of employees.Yes.

In order to judge the need for evacuation, the safety and availability of returning home, and to plan for business continuity and recovery, it is essential to collect information.Even if a power outage occurs, the base station of the mobile phone will operate for a few hours to half a day, so it is convenient to collect information using a smartphone.As a charging means, prepare a portable power supply or a battery -type mobile battery.

If the power outage is prolonged or the mobile phone base station is destroyed or damaged by a disaster, the radio may be the only source of information.Please prepare the radio as information collection supplies and measures headquarters.The number is one per person if there is a possibility of an outdoor evacuation, and one on the floor is a guide when planning to stay in the building.

In addition, it is desirable to use a rechargeable one when using radio on a regular basis, but if it is for emergency times, select a battery type to avoid the outlay of the charging, and also combine a spare battery.Please try to stock it.

If water is cut off due to a large earthquake or the like, the toilet or water supply of the building may not be available.There is no problem even if the distribution of water and food is delayed, but the demand for the toilet occurs immediately after the disaster.If you forcibly use a toilet that can not flow in water, you will have a major problem with subsequent hygiene management, so prior measures are essential.

Prepare an emergency toilet set (a type of bag and coagulant, a type that uses the toilet bowl in the in -office toilet as it is), and plan to install it immediately during the disaster.

It is also necessary to prepare sprays for finger disinfection and wet tissue for hygiene management.If you have infectious diseases, it is a good idea to make it diverted.

If there are offices in urban areas or if there are many trains commuting employees, employees may return home on foot when a large -scale disaster is suspended.However, returning home from the stricken area is very dangerous and can cause casualties.Therefore, in such cases, it is important to call for "suppression of returning home", but in order for employees to stay in the office, the minimum bedding and privacy tools are required.

As a bedding, "blankets" and "Emergency blankets (aluminum blankets)" are candidates.

However, in the area where the temperature in winter is below freezing, if the heating is stopped due to a power outage, there is a risk of freezing death, so prepare a lot of cold protection items such as blankets.

In addition, if you can prepare an air mat to inflate with air, you will improve your sleep and rest.If it is difficult for everyone to prepare, it is good to be able to prepare only those who need consideration or BCP personnel.

The standard of drinking water is 3L per day per person, and the application includes "cooking, hygiene and heat stroke measures" in addition to "beverages".

In terms of cost, 2L plastic bottles are cheaper, but 500ml bottles are convenient when considering the trouble of distribution and management.Especially for beverage, a 500ml bottle, which does not require a cup, is more suitable, so use it properly.

The estimated emergency food is for three days, but how much enhanced is determined by the budget and storage space.It is better if there is a set where you can eat warm meals, but if the budget is limited, you can eat only one meal a day, and only BCP personnel can eat warm meals (in this case.It is necessary to devise ways such as separating the stay space.

Storage of disaster prevention stocks

Recently, remote work has been increasing due to the expansion of the new colon virus infection, but the disaster prevention representative may occur at the time when it is not in the company due to remote work.In such a case, it is a good idea to make the disaster prevention storage warehouse accessible to everyone, create a manual, etc. so that the storage location and usage of goods can be understood.

Prepare disaster prevention stocks and prepare for the disaster during the company

Preparing disaster prevention stocks can be relatively cheaper from many options in normal times.However, if a major disaster is approaching or if a large -scale disaster occurs somewhere, the market inventory will be quickly expanded and it will be difficult to procure.The disaster prevention measures are in the production, not at the time of the disaster.

Chiya Takagami Joint Company Sonael Works Delegation | Preparation, Disaster Prevention, BCP formulation advisor, "Preparation / Disaster Prevention is a Japanese Lifestyle", from natural disasters such as major earthquakes and infectious diseases.A disaster prevention expert who explains unused zombie measures.He is also distributing many videos as a disaster prevention YouTuber in addition to lectures, writing, and media appearances.

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