Mono -making Japan Conference / Road Chiranda Kako Construction President Riji Shandong |

Mono -making Japan Conference / Road Chiranda Kako Construction President Riji Shandong |

Since the 2030s, transitions from fossil fuels to new energy, such as biomass, hydrogen, and ammonia, have progressed around the world.Chiyoda Chukako Construction is an engineering company that mainly in the oil and gas field.A response is ineffective according to the changes in the main axis of energy.We talked to President Riji Shandong about energy revolutions and digital transformation (DX) through the perspective of engineering companies.

Hydrogen society, definitely visit

Resurrection of manufacturing

-How do you see the situation in Japan and overseas surrounding manufacturing?

"Japanese companies have begun to review the domestic market again. We believe that Japanese technology and Japanese -added manufacturing will be revived again. There is enough consumption in Japan.。 We are also involved in the construction of a domestic colona vaccine manufacturing plant, and we realize that. In the future, domestic companies may increase the number of jobs that will lead to such security of Japanese society. "

-How is the status of the engineering industry?

"I have received orders for large plants overseas in the past 10-20 years. These projects are undergoing lampsome contracts that make a lump -sum contract at a fixed price. Therefore, it is inevitably a risk contracting business, and profits have decreased.There are structural problems that are. However, technological innovation is increasing in the energy and digital fields. Engineering companies have the power to combine diverse technologies. R & D is progressing from everywhere, such as universities.However, there are not many people who can implement new technologies in society. It may play a major role in engineering companies in the future. "

Developed at room temperature / regular pressure transport, proprietary technology

モノづくり日本会議/モノづくりの進むべき道 千代田化工建設社長・山東理二氏 | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

-Do you have any opinions or requests for national measures?

"The pandemic of the new colon virus infection has occurred since 2020, and the problem of health security has emerged. I feel that the Japanese government was moving more quickly and more independently. Not only this time.Japanese measures are too much to focus on evenly supporting support. To grow up a company that will grow, it will also need to be sharpened. Some companies may fall down.But there is a possibility. But I'm worried that if everyone is on the insertion fleet, it will be more and more from the world. "

-Modogen is listed as a flagship of carbon native energy.

"We are a company spin -out from Mitsubishi Oil (now ENEOS), the main ring is the energy industry. This industry will change significantly in the next 10 to 20 years, but we will help you.There is a strong desire to contribute, and one of them is positioned as hydrogen. We are developing a unique technology that carries hydrogen at room temperature and normal pressure using the organic chemical hydride method. This hydrogen technology is in the future., I want to spread it. I am convinced that the hydrogen society will definitely visit. "

Whole company

―What effect does DX have in the industry?

"I'm watching a game changer. DX removes a variety of barriers and sometimes changes to power maps. It's very scary, so it's necessary to work on it. But our construction industry has a general DX.It is late and in a state of unauthorized, so we have established a system to work on DX in the whole company. In 2009, we launched the Digital Transformation Headquarters. DX will improve internal efficiency.In addition, we also provide a system that increases the operating rate of plants using digital as a weapon. Sustainable profits can be expected. "

―What are you required for human resource development?

"Personally, I feel that women and foreigners should be actively appointed. In the current situation, it has not been fully done yet. Because globalization is progressing, foreigners are progressing.I will be in the management. Shouldn't I adopt a "career path" that experiences multiple workplaces for young people? "