The ease of dramatic price cuts for major companies are up (Nikkei style) --Yahoo! News

The ease of dramatic price cuts for major companies are up (Nikkei style) --Yahoo! News



The price plan of a major mobile phone company has changed dramatically

2021年は、The price plan of a major mobile phone company has changed dramatically。その先陣を切ったのが、20ギガバイト(GB、ギガは10億)で月額3000円以下に抑えたオンライン契約専用の中容量プラン。これに続く形で、3GBで月1000円以下という低料金な小容量プランも相次ぎ登場した。NTTドコモの場合、厳密には自社の提供ではなく、提携した格安SIM事業者のプランをドコモショップで扱う格好だが、それでも安いプランを望んでいた人には朗報だ。【ビジュアル解説】大手による携帯料金の値下げ、最新動向を図解でわかりやすく解説

大手が携帯料金を劇的値下げ 乗り換えやすさもアップ(NIKKEI STYLE) - Yahoo!ニュース

■ Data capacity plans can be freely selected

In addition, the three major companies provide large -capacity plans, unlimited data, under the main brand.As a result, a system has been set up that users can freely select plans for each data capacity of "large, middle, small".For example, if you want to use it without worrying about the remaining data, you can choose a large capacity.

■ Mobile mail can be carried

A big topic other than the price plan is a carrier (mobile) email carrying service.It costs about 330 yen per month, but if you join, you can continue to use carrier emails after switching to other companies and online contract -only plans.In addition to expanding the area of the next -generation high -speed communication "5G", three major companies have also supported the SIM with built -in terminals that can communicate without SIM card called "ESIM".Furthermore, the "two -year tie", which had been naturally obvious, has finally been abolished.Even those who use the old plan can transfer at any time without a contract cancellation fee after the elimination.

■ SIM lock is also prohibited

SIM locks on the smartphone itself are also banned, and in principle, even if you switch to another company, you can use it by replacing the SIM.However, in many cases, the carrier version of the Android smartphone does not support other companies' telecommunications bands, and in that case, the SIM of other companies cannot use normal communication services.In addition, in the city, the "1 -yen terminal", which had been disappearing for a while, has revived.The cost can be further reduced by combining with a new rate plan.(Writer Mihiro Hara) [Nikkei PC21 March 2022 Issued Articles published]