[Latest in 2022] LINEMO's reputation is bad? A thorough explanation of the features, the benefits of switching, and the points to note!

[Latest in 2022] LINEMO's reputation is bad? A thorough explanation of the features, the benefits of switching, and the points to note!

SOFTBANK's new brand LINEMO. Many people may be curious about its features and differences from LINE Mobile and Y!mobile.

Currently, LINEMO is running a campaign to receive a PayPay bonus equivalent to 10,000 yen. If you use this campaign, you can switch mobile phone companies at a great price.

LINEMO has the following four advantages!

Even with a monthly 3G plan, the use of LINE is count-free, which is attractive!

In this article, while touching on the details of LINEMO's campaign, we will thoroughly explain LINEMO's features, benefits, points to note, and what kind of people we recommend.

LINEMO is recommended for heavy LINE users!

LINE usage is free!

Click here for LINEMO's official website

We also introduce recommended low-cost smartphones that meet your needs other than LINEMO, so please refer to them.

Let's take a closer look! !
  1. Overview of LINEMO! What is LINEMO?
  2. Four benefits of LINEMO
  3. Points to note about LINEMO from word of mouth!
  4. Recommended cheap smartphones other than LINEMO
  5. Frequently asked questions about LINEMO
  6. Summary
< Overview of h2> LINEMO! What is LINEMO?

Source: Softbank

LINEMO is Softbank's new mobile brand.

Instead of limiting the application and various support to the web, a reasonable fee of 2,728 yen per month is set.

In addition, since Softbank's own line is used, the communication speed is stable and fast compared to general cheap SIM.

What is LINEMO? Is it different from LINE Mobile? Although the names are similar, "LINEMO" and "LINE MOBILE" are completely different things!

Plan Details & Prices ・20GB: 2,728 yen/month ・3GB: 990 yen/month ・All-you-can-eat domestic calls within 5 minutes option (semi-flat rate): 550 yen/month・All-you-can-call domestic call option (flat rate): 1,650 yen/month ・Additional data capacity 1GB: 550 yen High speed using the company's own line as it is ・Speed ​​may be controlled depending on the time of day ・When 20GB is used up, the speed will be limited to a maximum of 1Mbps ・Supports 5G (supported area)
Conditions・Procedures, support consultations, and repairs are all online only・Various discounts are not eligible

And , It is highly compatible with LINE, and data capacity is not consumed even if you make a LINE call. People who use a lot of LINE calls and video calls can also use it with confidence.

In addition, you can receive a PayPay bonus equivalent to 10,000 yen in the current switching campaign, so if you are thinking about switching, please consider it.

*For those who do not meet the conditions, we also introduce other recommended smartphones here.

\2,728 yen per month for 20GB/

Click here for LINEMO's official website

4 advantages of LINEMO

The advantages of LINEMO are as follows.

I will explain each in detail.

The advantage of LINEMO is that it is highly compatible with LINE. Specifically, it has the following features:

With LINEMO, no matter how many LINE calls you make, your data capacity will not be consumed, so people who make a lot of LINE calls and video calls can rest assured.

Even if you send and receive large size images and videos with LINE Talk, the amount of communication will not be counted! You can enjoy LINE stress-free

Also, pay attention to the "LINE Stamp Premium" subscription, which allows you to use LINE Creators' stamps as much as you want. Unlimited use of stamps is 240 yen per month, and unlimited use of stamps and pictograms is 480 yen per month. Recommended for those who want to use cute stamps and emoticons without worrying about money!

There are more than 7 million types of stamps that can be used as much as you want! The lineup will be updated every month

Course NameContentsMonthly Price
Basic Course Unlimited use of target stamps (holding limit of 5)240 yen
Deluxe courseTarget stamps & Unlimited use of pictograms (holding limit of 1,000)480 yen

LINE Stamp Premium has a one-month free trial It can be done, so if you are interested, you should try it.

In addition, we are currently running a campaign to reward LINE Stamp Premium subscribers with 240 LINE points (120 points for student discount plans).

In other words, you can use the basic course with unlimited stamps for free.

If you have the chance, switch to LINEMO before the campaign ends and make the most of it!

\2,728 yen per month for 20GB/

Click here for LINEMO's official website

Since LINEMO uses SoftBank's own line, you can comfortably enjoy the Internet at the same communication speed as SoftBank.

For that reason, those who say, "I'm worried that cheap SIMs may have slow communication speeds..." or "I want the same communication speeds as major carriers for watching videos and playing games!" should be satisfied.

It also supports 5G in limited areas, so if you live in a 5G compatible area, you will be able to experience faster communication speeds.

5G compatible areas are expanding, mainly in metropolitan areas such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya! Check LINEMO's official website for more details.

Also, LINEMO's data capacity is 20GB per month, but even if it runs out, the communication speed is relatively fast at a maximum of 1Mbps. Browsing the Internet, sending and receiving emails, etc. can be used without problems even when communication is restricted.

LINEMO's basic charge does not include unlimited calls. For those who don't make a lot of calls, unlimited calls are another option, and the basic charge is cheap.

If you make a lot of calls and call charges are high, you can add an unlimited call option for 5 minutes or less for 550 yen per month.

[Latest in 2022] LINEMO reputation Is it bad? A thorough explanation of the features, benefits, and precautions of switching!

What's more, we are currently running a campaign where you can make unlimited calls within 5 minutes for free for one year after subscribing to the smartphone plan. Please apply when you transfer.

< /tr>< /tr>
Basic charge5 minute unlimited callsCall charges
LINEMO (Softbank)2,728 yen550 yen (1 year free)22 yen/30 seconds
ahamo (docomo)¥2,970Included in basic charge¥22/30 seconds
povo (au)¥2,728¥550¥22/30 seconds
I compared the charges with docomo's "ahamo" and au's "povo"! With LINEMO, you can make unlimited calls for one year from the time you subscribe, so it's 2,728 yen a month, so it's a good deal. is running a campaign to present a PayPay bonus equivalent to 10,000 yen for contracts with new phone numbers or switching from other companies.

If you think that you can actually get points back for smartphone charges for about 3 months, that's great! Transfers from Softbank/Ymobile are not eligible, so be careful!

The overview of the transfer campaign is as follows. If you are considering switching from another company, we recommend switching to LINEMO during the campaign.

BenefitsPayPay bonus equivalent to 10,000 yen
Conditions for granting benefits・From other companies・Application with a new phone number *Transfers from SoftBank/Y!mobile are not eligible At the end of the month after next
Method of granting benefits・PayPay gift card will be sent to the email address registered at the time of LINEMO contract・After receiving PayPay gift card, PayPay needs to be charged within 30 days
Campaign periodJune 5, 2021 - end date undecided

¥2,728/month for 20GB/

Click here for LINEMO's official website

Although LINEMO has many benefits, there are some points to be aware of before switching to LINEMO.

Know the points to note, and proceed with the transfer procedure after convincing yourself!

As you can see from the reviews below, LINEMO does not allow smartphones to be purchased.

Therefore, in order to use LINEMO, it is necessary to take over the smartphone you are currently using, or purchase a smartphone at an electronics retail store.

Be sure to check the operation check terminal to see if LINEMO's SIM card can be used! In the case of a smartphone that does not hit, the SIM card may not be usable.

LINEMO may impose communication speed restrictions depending on the time of day.

The lines tend to be congested during times when the number of people accessing the Internet increases, such as around noon or in the evening, so you may feel that the movement is slow.

For tasks that require high communication speeds, such as watching videos or downloading data, we recommend avoiding the hours around noon or later in the evening, or using a Wi-Fi environment.

LINEMO is a brand that does not accept carrier mail. is. If you switch to LINEMO, you will no longer be able to use e-mail addresses that end with "@softbank.ne.jp".

Therefore, if you have a service registered with a carrier email, prepare a new email address and change it. It is also important to let people around you know about your email address change.

If you don't have an email address other than carrier email, you can use free email such as Gmail or Yahoo! It will be treated as canceled when you switch to LINEMO, so if you need it, let's reset it after joining LINEMO.

Although LINEMO is a SoftBank brand, please note that it is not eligible for SoftBank or Ymobile family discounts.

In particular, if you are a family member and have a Y!mobile subscription, switching to LINEMO may result in the family discount not being applied, and your smartphone bill may increase.

Let's decide if there is merit in switching after considering the family discount

LINEMO is able to set a reasonable fee instead of limiting the application and various support to the web.

For this reason, LINEMO inquiries cannot be answered at SoftBank shops or by phone.

If you want face-to-face support at the counter or telephone inquiries, you may want to consider a cheap smartphone other than LINEMO

By the way, you can contact LINEMO from the link below.

Recommended cheap smartphones other than LINEMO

Are there any other ways to reduce smartphone bills besides LINEMO? If you want to save your smartphone bill by switching to something other than LINEMO, we recommend a "cheap smartphone" that you can use by inserting a cheap SIM card!

If you read LINEMO's points of caution and feel that you want to consider other cheap smartphones, we recommend the following three.

I will explain the features of three cheap smartphones in detail

Source: IIJmio

If you want to purchase a smartphone device at the same time as transferring, please consider "IIJmio".

This is because at IIJmio, if you purchase a smartphone device at the same time as you purchase a Giga Plan voice call SIM, you will receive a significant discount on the device fee.

Some even cost 110 yen! There is also an iPhone discount!

However, please note that the campaign will not be applied if you subscribe with a new phone number, as it only applies to transfers from other companies due to MNP transfer/transfer.

In addition, IIJmio has the same data capacity as LINEMO, but the 20GB plan has a low price of 2,068 yen per month.

< tr>
20GB2,068 yen
10 minutes unlimited calls913 yen
Data charge1GB ¥220

On the other hand, if the communication speed is restricted, it will slow down to a maximum of 300kbps. there is. If you run out of data capacity, be prepared that the communication speed will be considerably slower if you do not charge data.

Click here for details on IIJmio

Source: Maineo

If you don't need unlimited calls because you rarely use calls, "mineo" is suitable.

Mineo has a low basic charge because you can choose a plan with the optimal data capacity from 1GB to 20GB, and unlimited calls are an option.

The fact that you can charge data in increments of 100MB is also very convenient! What's more, the unused data can be carried over to the next month so there's no waste

< tr>
10 minutes unlimited usage935 yen
Data charge100MB 55 yen

Another advantage of Maineo is that you can choose your favorite line from docomo, au, and Softbank.

Click here for details on Maineo

Source: Y!mobile

For those who feel that support is not only available on the web, but can be more secure by phone or at a store counter, consider a cheap smartphone from Y!mobile.

Y!mobile has about 4,000 shops nationwide, so you can receive face-to-face support at the counter in an emergency.

Even if you don't understand something after signing the contract, you can check it directly with the staff at the store, so you don't have to worry. Even with communication restrictions, the maximum speed is 1 Mbps, which is relatively fast, so you can browse web pages and send and receive messages without any problems.

The fee for Y!mobile seems to be a little high when one person subscribes. However, if you join with your family, you can use a family discount, so it may be cheaper than other cheap smartphones

Normal priceFamily Discount 2nd line or later
3GB< /th>¥2,178¥990
10 minutes Unlimited¥770
Data charge500MB ¥550

Also, if you apply for Y!mobile, you can receive up to 20,000 yen cash back by applying from the agency "Y Station" world.

Click here for details on the Ymobile agency "Y Station"

Frequently asked questions about LINEMO

Let's take a look at the frequently asked questions about LINEMO.

The differences between LINEMO, LINE Mobile, and Ymobile are as follows.

< th>Basic fee
LINEMOLINE MobileYmobile
2,728 yen1,210 yen to 3,520 yen2,178 yen to 4,158 yen
Data capacity20GB2GB/5GB/10GB/30GB3GB/15GB/25GB
Family DiscountNoneNone1,188 yen discount per month after the second line
Support< /th>Web OnlyWeb/PhoneWeb/Phone/Store Window
Line SoftbankSoftbank, docomo, auSoftbank
Plan details, family discount availability, support There is a difference in the system and the type of line! By the way, LINE Mobile will no longer accept new subscriptions in March 2021. However, there are some functions that do not count communication.

Examples of functions that do not count communication

For details, see LINEMO's official website.

A PayPay gift card will be sent by SMS or email address registered at the time of contract two months after the opening date.

When you receive a PayPay gift card, charge it to PayPay within 30 days including the date of receipt.

If you do not charge PayPay within the period, you will not be able to receive the benefits, so be careful!

Inquiries regarding LINEMO plan applications and repairs are as follows.



SOFTBANK's new brand, LINEMO, has the advantage of being able to enjoy the Internet at the same level of communication speed as a carrier at a low price of 2,728 yen per month for 20GB. .

In addition, there are plenty of unique services, such as no data communication for LINE talk and calls, and unlimited use of LINE stamps.

All-you-can-call is a separate paid option, but it is reasonable at 550 yen per month. In addition, there is a campaign where you can make unlimited calls for 5 minutes for free for one year after subscribing to the smartphone plan, so be sure to take advantage of it.

In addition, check out the campaign where you can get a PayPay bonus equivalent to 10,000 yen when you switch from another company.

However, there are some points to note, such as not being able to purchase a smartphone device or being eligible for the family discount, so consider whether or not it suits you before proceeding with the transfer procedure.

Click here for details on LINEMO

If you are looking for a cheap smartphone other than LINEMO, we recommend the following three.

Use this article as a reference to switch to the mobile phone company that's right for you, and save your smartphone bill wisely!

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