Kakogawa Keizai Shimbun Nikke Park Town until you apply for smartphones and travel!Did you know such a convenient way to use it?

Kakogawa Keizai Shimbun Nikke Park Town until you apply for smartphones and travel!Did you know such a convenient way to use it?

Nicke Park Townの懐の広さ、買い物だけに限らない魅力とは?

Nikke Park Town is a large commercial facility located in Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture, which opened in 1984.In a good location within a 10 -minute walk from JR Kakogawa Station, many popular tenants line up the eaves.The facility, which was reopened in 2016, is a shopping center for the “local people” purveyor, which has a wide range of ages, from junior and senior high school students to seniors every day, and people are constantly vibrant.

Provided: Nikke Park Town

When you hear a shopping center, many people may consider it as a place to shop.But that's not the only charm of Nikke Park Town.Of course, there are many shops in the facility where you can enjoy shopping, but there are also attractive tenants that provide convenient and friendly services for locals.

Nicke Park Town has been supporting the richness of citizens' lives for many years.This time, we will introduce a store specializing in convenient “services” that is closely related to life.

With a detailed response, go to a rush temple in the smartphone era!UQ spot

Of those who have mobile phones in Japan, the ratio of smartphones is about 90 %.The need for a plan that can use smartphones at a higher price is increasing.UQ Mobile is one of the brands that provides a great price plan, which is the same as the three major carriers.

The UQ Spot, which has a store in the entrance zone on the 1st floor of the Nikke Park Town, is a UQ Mobile, which offers a cheap price plan for smartphones, as well as au and Wi-Fi services, a carrier of the same KDDI group ( *.) It handles UQ WiMAX, which provides), and has been steadily gaining its popularity since its opening in February 2021.

Opened in the East Entrance Zone in 2021

The inside of the store is easy to enter in a white -based space

UQ Mobile's contract is also possible at dealers such as consumer electronics retailers, but many people visit UQ spots, which are exclusive stores.We asked Mr. Eto of the UQ Spot Nicke Park Town about the reason.

"It is possible not only to procedures new contracts and model changes, but also at dealers such as consumer electronics retailers, but we do not accept repair receptions or optional changes. UQ spots can support such after -sales service. After all, smartphone.Most people want to review the communication costs. UQ Mobile is a great plan that can be used in the same area and communication speed as au.However, we are often satisfied with customers who want to lower communication costs, "says Eto.

Kakogawa is an area where many people, from young people to seniors.Above all, Nikke Park Town has a particularly variety of customers and is the core facility of Kakogawa."I would like to contribute to the community through supporting communication services by providing a smartphone plan that is increasing in need in this place," says Eto.

Mr. Eto, who can relax the user's heart with a soft smile

The communication environment surrounding our daily lives is constantly changing.Eto says that even in UQ spots, new and better things come out one after another, such as smartphone models and price plans, so they learn a lot every day.

Products handled in UQ spots basically involve contracts.According to the contract, many users have doubts, "Is there anything you don't need?"

If you ask what you are trying to do at the time of customer service, you will be able to come to the work so that you can solve that question and anxiety and be convinced.We are trying to provide detailed response so that you can use it as much as possible. "

It seems that each one is trying to provide detailed and polite response

Most of the people who visit the store have various "troubles" in fees and communication environments.The UQ spot staff will carefully hear the "troubles" and guide you to new plans and usage.

"I'm glad if you ask a lot of stories and eventually be pleased with the product you guided," It's so cheap! "I have a high touch with the customer, "says Eto.

There is a sense of security that the staff of this shop can consult anything

When I asked what kind of existence of UQ Spot Nicke Park Town aimed, I got an answer like Mr. Eto, who had an impressive soft and polite waist from beginning to end.

加古川経済新聞 Nicke Park Townでスマートフォンや旅行の申し込みまで!こんなに便利な活用方法、知ってた?

"There are quite a few things that seem anxious while using smartphones, such as operating methods, increasing phishing scams, and fictitious billing, etc., even if it is trivial from the perspective of others, the customer himself.It's a serious problem for that.

* "Wi-Fi" is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.

あなただけの旅を、経験と知識からコンサルティング。Atlantic Tourist

"Atlantic Tourist" located on the south side of Nikke Park Town.This shop, where many pamphlers are lined up in stores, is a general department store for travel companies' pack tours, planning and operating group travel, and arranging tours for individuals.

Traveling is a way to spend holidays that can be enjoyed regardless of age.Many people enjoy it from the process of planning a trip.In recent years, the number of people who do everything online, from planning to applications to applications, should not be forget about the unique charm of a “real store” where you can choose a better plan in the conversation with the staff.

Nikke Park Town South side, many travel pamphlets are lined up in the store

There are countless travel information in the store

As a catch phrase, "From New York to Arima Onsen", the Atlantic Tourist consults from traveling in Hyogo Prefecture to traveling around the world as a community -based store.President Yohei Atlantic talked about the journey he had proposed so far.

"I want to hiking in Switzerland according to the customer's request, and I want to enjoy watching major league games in California Disneyland as a set.We want to stay at a reasonable hotel at a simple inn, and our customers have different purpose and ideal for each customer. It is our role to consult a trip within the imagined conditions. "

There is information based on local experience that can not be seen only on the Internet or pamphlet.The biggest strength of real stores is that there are staff who can propose a trip that makes use of this experience and knowledge.

Travel suggestions are not only the goodness of the product but also experience and knowledge.

Mr. Onishi has been involved in the travel industry for decades.When he asked why he started working in this industry, he told me that he was impressed in the United States on a graduation trip.

"There are a lot of things you can't understand unless you actually go to the world and listen to it with your eyes. If you go, you can experience this kind of excitement, you can know culture and humans. Provide such a journey.I want to do a job I can do, and I've been in this industry since then. "Mr. Onishi's eyes, who talked so, had a powerful shine.

"When I propose to customers, I try to think about what kind of plan is better if I travel.If you are going to give your parents a trip to your parents. "

We will guide you with the intention of traveling yourself

A Atlantic Tourist who can suggest a trip arranged according to each individual.Not only when the proposal plan was a good journey, but also on Onishi, who has been involved in the travel industry for a long time.

"I'm glad if the child who helped me at the Try Week (work experience) would come to apply for an adult.Sometimes I actually got a job at the beginning of the trip, "said a face.

Among them, I asked for an impressive episode, saying, "After a travel lover who used it died, the family members said," Thank you for a happy life with many trips. "I've had it. This is a great experience in me. "

The Atlantic Tourist provides a "experience" through a trip

A travel industry that tends to be in trouble in response to the corona evil.However, many people may have felt the importance of traveling in life because the number of opportunities to travel was reduced.Meanwhile, the Atlantic Tourist asked what kind of vision will be drawn in the future.

"I want to be a shop where you can easily hear anything about travel and sightseeing. Our motto is to sell traveling gently to people with community -based and analog.I think it's a way, "says Onishi.

The details of the Nikke Park Town, UQ Spot Nikke Park Town, and Atlantic Tourists are referred to from the following links.

Nicke Park Town

UQスポット Nicke Park Town店

Atlantic Tourist