The Japan Skills Training Organization (JATTO) announced the release of the PRO-ADAS ordering management system that supports Eming.In October, the introduction will be started to some leading stores in Eming Japan.Corporate Release | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

The Japan Skills Training Organization (JATTO) announced the release of the PRO-ADAS ordering management system that supports Eming.In October, the introduction will be started to some leading stores in Eming Japan.Corporate Release | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version



CategO Ry: Product service

一般財団法人日本技能研修機構(JATTO)、エーミング作業をサポートする「Pro-ADAS受発注管理システム」のリリースを発表。10月よりエーミングジャパン一部先行店に対して導入を開始する。 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Release issuance company: Japan Skills and Training Organization

Japan Skills Training Organization (JATTO) Official website: https: // www.jatto.O R.JP/Official Facebook: https: // R.JP/Official YouTube: https: // www.YouTube.COM/CHANNEL/UC5OINJW-XEBOGCTGWGSY88Q Japan Skills Training Organization (Representative DirectO R: Takahiro Ishishita, English notation: Japan Technical Training Organization, Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo) is related to the appropriate electronic control device maintenance wO Rk. -ADAS Order Management System has been announced to be introduced to some leading stO Res from October. The PRO-ADAS O Rdering management system issued several types of documents such as quotes (calculation) in consideration of vehicle types, parts, and areas, specific maintenance recO Rd books, and ehming wO Rk repO Rts, and entered the vehicles that were warehoused by Eming Japan members. It has been developed fO R the purpose of mechanism of the entire business so that the wO Rk process can be managed and the wO Rk quality and time can be reduced by ensuring the repair quality. On April 1, 2020, the specific maintenance system was finally enfO Rced, and in 2024, the OBD (in -vehicle -type failure diagnostic device) was said to be introduced, and the Japan Skills Training Organization (JATTO) introduced the system. The company plans to respond to advanced vehicle technology to provide customers with safety and security. By utilizing the "PRO-ADAS O Rdering management system", "calculation of clear appropriate charges accO Rding to the vehicle type, site, and region", "proof of electronics control equipment maintenance wO Rk wO Rk", and "proof of wO Rk". By implementing three points: shO Rtening the wO Rk time by manage wO Rk processing, the quality of the Eming wO Rk can be improved. Also, as a output fO Rm, 1.Specified maintenance recO Rd book, 2.Aming WO Rk RepO Rt, 3.Quotation fO R vehicle models, parts, and areas, 4.Common notification fO Rm, 5.Equipped with abundant functions that can issue various documents required fO R various equations, such as outsourcing contracts, ensure repair quality in a series of wO Rk, from the time of vehicle arrival to Eming, prove the proper wO Rk of all members. You can do it. The Eming WO Rk RepO Rt includes a series of tasks, including the four -wheel alignment measurement value, and can also describe the details of the implementation contents of the electronic control device maintenance wO Rk . After that, by attaching photos of the monitO R image so that the evidence system can be used even in scan -to -model models that do not have an output function, it is possible to attach the image status and diagnostic result image as an image file. There is. The "Pro-ADAS O Rdering management system", which is unique to the Japan Skills Training Organization (JATTO), has added "OBD diagnosis results" to the inspection standards from October 2021, and responds to OBD inspection. It is based on the view, and the calculation of clear prices accO Rding to the vehicle type, site, and region will be provided to Eming Japan members free of charge while cooperating with non -life insurance companies. I have a policy. PRO-ADAS Order Management System Description Video https: // YouTu.BE/QTI6M-E0LPM The third application fO R the third application will be from September 1 to September 30.Please note that applications after the second and subsequent applications will only be united in the desired area.Click here fO R details https: // www.jatto.O R.JP/Application Reception ◆ First application reception (finished) from May 1st to May 31st ◆ Second application acceptance (finished) from July 1st to July 31st ◆ Third Reception of the next application September 1st to September 30th (limited to unalled areas only) * As the new colon virus infection is expanded, we will only apply fO R membership enrollment. * Regional examination: Only one AJ (Eming Japan) is placed within 15 km adjacent area. Please note that unfO Rtunately may be refused if the application fO R a preliminary member enrollment is duplicated. * After applying fO R membership enrollment, those who have passed the regional examination will participate in the tour, taking into account the end of the new colon virus infection, and judge the consideration of joining. * You can check the area you have applied from the following map. We will comply with the 15km rules of the adjacent area and approve it sequentially. https: // www.Google.COM/MAPS/D/EMBED? Mid = 1PXVMIBBH4RBDZJR-OPKENLQZE7RCGZ7J The Japan Skills Training Organization (JATTO) has reached 2020, and although it has a excitement as an Olympic ear, there is a sense of obstruction and an uncertainty ahead of Japan. There are many voices that are wO Rried about the future. Looking at the economy, the declining wO Rking population due to the declining birthrate and aging population will be an inevitable problem in Japan in the future, and will be further surface in the future. In addition, the aging of excellent technicians in each industry is becoming mO Re remarkable, and with the changes in wO Rking styles, including wO Rk style refO Rms, a new challenge has been made in the technical tradition method. I need it. It is also true that Japan's international competitiveness is declining due to the rise of Asian countries. In O Rder to solve such issues, and to contribute to the restO Ration of international competitiveness in Japan, the Japan Skills Training Organization (JATTO) has various various as a non -profit O Rganization. We will promote activities. https: // YouTu.BE/IPTFCJRFJ6W The Japan Skills Training Organization (JATTO) Standards new technologies In each industry around the wO Rld, new technologies are required due to changes in products and changes in services due to the development of technology. I am. However, the new technology has a strong aspect that depends on the individual's abilities, and it is essential to standardize it to make it widely transmitted. In O Rder to widely convey the standardized technology, a netwO Rked served servant is required. The Japan Skills and Training Organization (JATTO) will also promote the development of service infrastructure in each field. We will promote activities that can continue the new technologies that have been standardized under the supervision of experts in a wide range of netwO Rks by netwO Rks. Details: https: // www.jatto.O R.JP/%E6%96%96%B0%E6%8A%80%80%E8%E8%93%E3%81%E6%E6%E6%E6%E6%E6%E6%E5%E5%E5%8c%86/Promotion of technical tradition The Organization promotes the best technologies in each industry in Japan in a new way. With the aging of engineers, the time to pass on such technologies to future generations has been lost every moment. In particular, there are many fields that have not been used fO R technical traditions due to standardized mechanisms, especially fO R technical technologies that depend on engineers and craftsmen. In the future, it is necessary to mO Re systematized and standardized the technical training so far, and it is necessary to spread them in an efficient way using e -learning. Under the supervision of professionals in each industry, we will promote technical traditions effectively and quickly with a viewpoint of standardization and efficiency. Promotion of fO Reign employment In O Rder to eliminate the shO Rtage of wO Rkers in Japan in a visible fO Rm, employment and utilization of fO Reign human resources are essential. However, as of 2020, it is true that fO Reign employment is still reluctant in each industry. We will solve various anxiety about fO Reign employment by creating a mechanism. FO Reign human resources by expert groups fO R "creating a mechanism fO R promoting fO Reign employment" by experts in various issues, such as problems such as disappearance and crime, problems due to cultural differences, lack of career plan, etc. We will be able to wO Rk lively in Japan, and we will promote activities that can solve majO R problems such as shO Rtage of wO Rkers. When fO Reign human materials return to their home country, we will also create an environment that can be used in their home countries. It will be a bridge between Japan and Human Resources, and will build the cO Rrect appearance of human resource exchange. In the future, the number of vehicles equipped with an "electronic control device" that can only be developed by automobiles specified maintenance businesses will continue to increase in the Japan Skills and Training Organization AC (Eming Center). Aiming JAPAN shares the latest infO Rmation and technologies so that specific vehicles can be accepted preferentially, and take on serious social responsibilities. JATTO Eming Training Video https: // YouTu.BE/XZMOTH0Z-LY JATTO Media March 2020 BSR "SuppO Rting advanced technologies in the maintenance industry by providing technology and infO Rmation" April 2020 day of the day of the automobile newspaper "Specified maintenance from April 1st to maintenance businesses proceeding Road- April 2020 General IncO RpO Rated Association Japan Automobile Chamber's "Emerging Maintenance NetwO Rk Building 500 Hub Houses nationwide" April 2020 The day of the AMI newspaper "ASV's ASV Eming JATTO next month activity started" April 2020 Development Strategy "FRONT FACE Representative DirectO R of DirectO R of Maintenance" April 2020 "Solving issues across the Aming Including Industry Solving Oblem" May 2020 Monthly after Market "Japan Skills Training Organization, Comprehensive Maintenance Industry's wO Rries about the maintenance industry May 2020 "Saving WO Rld" The SaviO R of the Economic Control Equipment Development Age is bO Rn! "May 2020 Daily Automobile Newspaper" Application that exceeds expected 2024 Starting to 500 places "June 2020 "2020 Edition Version Automobile After Market Overview P191-194" July 2020 day of the car newspaper "40 joined at the end of May. JATTO, a good start." Join from all over the country] July 2020 Automobile business "NetwO Rk to suppO Rt advanced technology to the maintenance industry" July 2020 Seibi WO Rld "Eming Center Tour" Held in August 2020 "August 2020" JATTO "JATTO 、地域ごとに適正料金算出。独自システム10月稼働」Pro-ADAS受発注管理システム開発・運営:日本技能研修機構機能詳細は後日公開一般財団法人 日本技能研修機構英文表記:JATTO(Japan Technical Training Organization ) Location: 〒108-0074 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo No. 23, No.2 6 High Home Takanawa 708 Contact: INFO@Jatto.O R.JP official website: https: // www.jatto.O R.JP/Official Facebook: https: // R.JP/Official YouTube: https: // www.YouTube.COM/Channel/UC5OINJW-XEBOGCTGWGSY88Q Corporate Press Release to PrTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.