Phone number "independent" in Apple Watch -au's "Watch Number Plan" accepts the application for other company line users in all au shops

Phone number "independent" in Apple Watch -au's "Watch Number Plan" accepts the application for other company line users in all au shops

 From December 21, KDDI and Okinawa Cellular Phone will expand new contracts from users who do not own au mobile phone lines for the "watch number plan" dedicated to Apple Watch (GPS + Cellual model).In the past, some au directly managed stores have been accepted, but in the future they will be able to contract with all au shops ( * 1).The monthly fee of the plan is 385 yen, and 250MB of data communication capacity is attached.

( * 1) AU shop that also handles life design (non -communication) products

Apple Watch(GPS + Celluarモデル)用の「ウォッチナンバープラン」について、非au携帯電話ユーザーからの申し込みを受け付ける店舗が拡大される

 If a person who does not contract with an au mobile phone (including the "UQ Mobile" or "Povo" brand contractor) applies for a watch number, it is necessary to meet all of the following conditions.

 In the case of a contract, the Apple Watch EID ( * 2) is required in addition to the provisions required for a new au mobile phone contract (such as the identity verification document, cards for setting payment methods).The EID can be confirmed from the outer box of the Apple Watch or the "Watch" app on the paired iPhone.

( * 1) 32 -digit number for identifying ESIM

 Even if you are an au mobile phone user, if you meet any of the following conditions, you will need to apply at the au shop or au style.

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