How to protect children from "SNS bullying", whose guilt is sparse, removed LINE, and spoofed on Instagram and Twitter.

How to protect children from "SNS bullying", whose guilt is sparse, removed LINE, and spoofed on Instagram and Twitter.

A school that struggles with the password management of the terminal

Photo: Toyo Economic Education x ICT

罪意識が希薄な「SNSいじめ」から子ども守る方法 LINE外し、インスタやTwitterでのなりすましも

Do you know "LINE removal"? In the upper grades of elementary school, the number of children with smartphones began to increase, and bullying through SNS became apparent. Last year, there was a sad case about bullying using the chat function of the terminal distributed in the GIGA School Concept. These "SNS bullying" is a difficult problem that adults are difficult to see. How should schools and parents face each other? I was told by Yuko Kuma, who is familiar with bullying, about the current situation of SNS bullying and what adults can do. Looking at the images of this article, last year, with the GIGA School concept, one -person terminals were developed in public elementary schools and junior high schools nationwide. The GIGA School Initiative is to distribute (lend) each terminal to children, promote digital environments and education, and realize education using ICT (Information and Communication Technology). is. Not only school teachers, but also parents are listening to the GIGA school concept, and the opportunity to see and hear about education using ICT is increasing. Some families may have their children brought back to their homes distributed at school. Although there are expectations for unprecedented learning methods, unfortunately, there are various things at present, because the terminals will be passed to children without sufficient guidance on how to use the computer and how to use the Internet. There is a problem. It is the management of the terminal password that all schools bothering. Since all the passwords on the device are the same, there is a trouble to log in to a friend's account with half mischief. Also, even if the ID and password are different, if you are an elementary school student, you will teach each other's IDs and passwords and log in to your friend's account. In addition, the teacher reads out the password and talks in the classroom like "XX password is XX", and the password is set on personal birthdays, but behind the classroom is "Everyone's birthday. There is a paper that has been written, and there is a school where parents consulted "Is it okay?" This may be the case, especially in the lower grades of elementary school students, so it may be this, but it is important for schools and parents to properly recognize the importance of ID and password. 。 Last year, there was a sad incident about bullying using school terminals. Children have no deep meaning and are only conscious of playing with personal computers and tablets, but not only schools but also parents must teach them how to use them.
