From factories to town planning -What is the solution of Fuji Electric that supports industrial and social infrastructure with "Equipment that can't be stopped" [PR] | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

From factories to town planning -What is the solution of Fuji Electric that supports industrial and social infrastructure with "Equipment that can't be stopped" [PR] | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

 In the digital transformation (DX) era such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data utilization, the amount of information processing and communication amount through the Internet explodes.The key points of digital infrastructure that protect them are data centers (IDC), and IT companies in Japan and overseas have been investing in large -scale iDC maintenance.

 Fuji Electric has contributed to the strengthening of industrial and social infrastructure with energy management technology that he is good at.

 The "New Sapporo Station District II District II Development Project" provides a next -generation CEMS (regional energy management system) using AI.In the company's semiconductor factory, FEMS (energy management system for factory), which features three steps of visualization, knowing, and optimization, has been greatly saved.

 We asked the person in charge of the industrial and social infrastructure about the strengths of the company's solution and the thoughts of the carbon caloral society.

* Other than the shooting, we wear a mask and take measures against the new colonavirus infection.

Contribute to the solution that meets customer needs

 Fuji Electric has a power supply system for IDC and semiconductor factories and solution businesses such as building its systems.Power Energy Business Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters and Power System Division Division Power Source Technology Director Shunichi Sugawa said, "" UPS and transformers with full lineup products from substations to UPS (non -power power supply equipment).Not only, but also a one -stop system engineering and providing it can respond to customer needs.

The power semiconductor used for the UPS is made in -house, and from the design stage to work with the semiconductor sector, it will be advantageous by high efficiency and smaller product. "

 In addition, major countries such as Japan have been working to achieve the goals of carbon neutral (greenhouse gas emissions in effect) for 2050, and along with factories and office buildings, the voice that demands the environment for the environment for energy consumption.Is likely to increase.

 Mr. Takuro Muragishi, director of the Facility Electric Technology Department, said, "In the transformer (transformer), insulating oils have switched from mineral oil to vegetable oils, and the development of gaseless products that does not use SF6 (six -fluffy sulfur) gas, which has a high greenhouse effect.We are aiming to contribute to the carbon caloral society.

Data center total system

Contributing to the construction of social infrastructure by next -generation CEMS

 Hokkaido Gas will participate in the "Shin -Sapporo Station District II District Development Project" and build an energy center in the block.A natural gas coordination (thermoelectric payment) is installed, and the resilience (restored) of the entire block by continuing energy saving and energy to each building in the event of a disaster occurs.

 In this major project, Fuji Electric will provide a next -generation CEMS utilizing AI.The unique statistical machine learning (AI prediction technology) method will first derive high -precision and consent forecasts.Next, while ensuring the comfort of the consumers, the optimal demand is automatically suppressed, and the equipment will be automatically adjusted to maximize energy efficiency throughout the area.Use AI to automate detection of energy efficiency and factor analysis and diagnosis.

 The project of the project is scheduled in FY2023.However, medical facilities will be opened in July 2022, and the energy center will start operating in line with medical facility completion.

Around Shin -Sapporo Station District II Development Project ( * Image based on drawings at the planning stage)

工場から街づくりまでー「止まらない設備」で産業・社会インフラを支える富士電機のソリューションとは【PR】 | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

 Fuji Electric's energy management technology is useful not only for towns but also for factory energy.Reducing energy costs is a major international competitive issue for Japan, which has a higher electricity rate than overseas, and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions has emerged as an equivalent management issue due to recent trends.

Achieved 34 % of energy saving -in 2010 -Unique energy management system technology introduced in semiconductor factories

 The feature of Fuji Electric's FEMS for factories is that it proposes three steps to visualize, understand, and optimize, under the theme of "maintenance of energy management base to promote daily and continuous improvement."

 Powerel Industry Business Division Information Solution Division Information Control System Division 1, Naoki Higashitani, said, "It is three steps to make a visualization of the state, then understand the issues and improvement effects, and finally balance the supply and demand."Explain the flow of.

 Of course, FEMS, which has a poor track record, does not easily affect customers.However, Fuji Electric is a manufacturing industry, and it is possible to introduce it in its own factory to become an "experimental table", and show the effect.

EMS solution

 FEMS was used to make the Yamanashi Plant (Southern Alps City, Yamanashi Prefecture), which produces power control power semiconductors."Semiconductor factories consume a lot of energy, and if they stop, they will cause enormous damage. In the Yamanashi area, Higashiya chose the model factory.Tell.

 The Yamanashi factory has a solar power, a coogene, and a fuel cell in addition to normal power supply as a source of energy.After the introduction of three -step FEMS by 2015, 34 % of energy saving was achieved compared to FY2010.In addition, the power self -sufficiency rate, which was also a goal before the introduction, has been improved from the conventional 0 % to 100 %.

Fuji Electric Yamanashi Seisakusho (currently Yamanashi Factory) Case

Stable operation by data collection / analysis, abnormal detection

 Fuji Electric has provided components and systems that contribute to energy saving and productivity improvement for factories.

 At the production site where IoT is introduced, the assembly processing data collection system "ONEPACKEDGE" responds to the problem resolution.By collecting, accumulating, visualization and analyzing all kinds of data in the field, the causes of defective or abnormal facilities are found, and equipment that cannot be stopped is realized.

 Mr. Atsushi Hoshino, director of the Factory Automation Division Control Division, said, "There are many cases where it has not been used well just by collecting data on production equipment. Therefore, data is easily collected and stored data so that it is easy to analyze.We have created a system that can be visualized in a way that is easy to analyze in cooperation with cameras, etc., and will be sold as a new main product.


To realize an unstoppable equipment

 Fuji Electric working on building a resilient industrial and social infrastructure.The factory has demonstrated technical skills in a wide range of fields, from factories, but the underlying goal is a common goal of contributing to the carbon caloral society.With energy stable supply, optimization, and stabilization technology as a weapon, aim to realize "unstoppable equipment" that supports life as a black child.

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