For new Corona -related home treatments

For new Corona -related home treatments

When home medical treatment is decided

Otsu City Public Health Center will call you about the medical treatment period, etc., after the day after home treatment is decided through a public health center epidemiological survey, so please be sure to respond.

Note: Call from your mobile phone (the last four digits are 5670 numbers).

新型コロナ関連 自宅療養者の方へ

About health observation during home medical treatment

Please check your physical temperature twice a day (morning and evening) and pay attention to the following points.If your physical condition changes suddenly, please call 119.(Be sure to tell us that you are a positive person with a new colon virus infection.) In addition, if you have a tendency for your physical condition to deteriorate, you may be adjusted to hospitalization at Otsu City Public Health Center.

Home Medical Health Observation Form (Excel File: 21.1KB) Healthy Health Observation Form (PDF file: 264KB)

Precautions during home treatment

About the medical treatment period

The medical treatment period is based on the day when the following two conditions are met, and the health center will judge.

Infection measures at home (if there is a cohabitant)

About documents to prove the home medical treatment period (home medical treatment certificate)

Please check on the home medical treatment certificate page.

Inquiries about this article

Health Insurance Department Health Insurance Division Infectious Diseases Countermeasures 1st Section 1