Explain the "charging refugee" problem of EV in data-to increase charging infrastructure --Cnet Japan

Explain the "charging refugee" problem of EV in data-to increase charging infrastructure --Cnet Japan

 In 2021, automobile manufacturers released electric vehicles (EVs), which could be called the first year of EVs.IT companies such as Apple and other Sony will also embark on the EV business, and even those who are not particularly interested in cars will feel the flow of gasoline vehicles into EVs in short distance.

 However, there is little information about how the gasoline car actually changes to an EV and its life changes.I often see the problem of "chicken or eggs first" that the number of EV users does not increase because there are few charging infrastructure, but if the number of charging stands increases like gasoline stations, will the problem solve the problem?

 In fact, it is related to the more elements that "the energy to charge changes from gasoline to electricity".It is necessary to consider various positions, including EV users, facilities for installing charging infrastructure, local governments, and those who do not ride EVs.

 I started riding the EV in 2017, looking at CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric) as the fourth generation of the automotive parts manufacturing industry in 1988.Feel the vulnerability of the charging infrastructure as a "self", and based on the results of our data and questionnaire surveys as a person who launched a charging service, we will give opinions on the real realization of the truly sustainable future at the end of the EV shift.I want to write it.

Difference and assignments of EV charging method

 The act of refueling gasoline vehicles is equivalent to charging in the EV.There are two types of charging methods: "normal charging" and "quick charging" when separated by charging speed, but when separated by the movement of those who considered users, "basic charging", "route charging", and "destination charging" are 3.It is divided into one, and each feature is as shown in Fig. 1 below.


 Currently, fast charging, which is being installed at a rapid pace, is equivalent to route charging.At first glance, the infrastructure problem seems to be solved if the quick charge in a short time increases, but given the high price of installation and maintenance costs and the possibility that the battery deterioration of the EV will be faster, it is used properly with ordinary charging according to the application.Is ideal.

 And I believe that it is important to install it in accordance with the flow of people and lifestyles, rather than the function of the infrastructure of infrastructure, from their own experiences.Not only charging, but before charging (Before The Charger), which makes it easier to find a charging stand (ON THE CHARGER), which emphasizes the ease of use for users, after charging (Beyond the Charger), it is EV.If you do not provide services that take a series of user experiences, such as the fun you can do, the user's satisfaction will not increase even if the number of installations increases.

Destination charging and penetration rate

 It is a dedicated charging that is usually effective for charging, but this is the idea of installing a charger in a place where you park for a long time, such as the hotel or leisure facility where you are your accommodation.

 It can be said that the destination charging is reasonable from personal experiences.Earlier, I headed to Karuizawa with an EV, and when I arrived, I headed to the quick charging spot in the government office in front of the electric deflection, but unfortunately I had two customers, giving up and heading to the hotel with anxiety.There is.

 Before going to the next day, I went to the closest dealer in the morning and managed to charge it, but if the hotel had a normal charging equipment, it was close to full charge at the time of departure, and I feel good without time loss.It should have been.

 There may be some opinions that it may be a rapid rapid charge, but in the case of rapid charging, the number of administration to move vehicles in the hotel side in 30 minutes is required.If you charge yourself, you will have to stay in the car for 30 minutes, or wait 30 minutes before departure.In order to respond to the increasing EVs, it can be said that both facilities and users have the advantage of normal charging.

 However, in fact, the installation rate of the destination charging is 0..16 %.In 2025, if you try to meet the needs of EV users that are 4 times the current increase, 12 with a simple calculation.50,000 charging equipment is required (Fig. 2).


Current status of basic charging-existence of "charging refugees"

 Charging facilities installed at home and workplaces are called basic charging.In terms of parking for a long time, it is the same as the destination charging, but the routine concept of "always in the same place" is added.

 In August 2021, the Company conducted an EV user questionnaire survey on the web in collaboration with the EVSMART for EV users and received 782 answers.

 From there, we estimated the number of users without basic charging facilities in Tokyo, but a surprising number of 2931 units (Fig. 3) came out.

 The Company positions EV users in this situation as "charging refugees" and are promoting development and demonstration experiments for urgent solutions, but the writer is also a charging refugee.


To increase charging infrastructure--1: Advantages of facilities

 In 2021, the number of charging stands decreased, despite the fact that the EV shift was shouted.Most of the current charging stands in Japan are installed in the early 2010s using subsidies from the country.

 In order to respond to EVs that will increase in the future, the number of EV users has not increased, but there have been some installations that do not expect the operation status.

 It is said that the useful life of the EV charging stand installed outdoors is 8 to 10 years, and it is a considerable burden on the facility to maintain a low usage rate and maintain high cost charging equipment.

 However, it was not possible to leave the deteriorated charging equipment, and the removal has progressed in various places.

 In some cases, such as Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture, six places have been removed because it is not profitable for EV users, even for charging points in the mountainous area.

 In order to create a truly sustainable future, not only EV users, but also facilities that install charging equipment will increase the number of customers of "Ethical users" who are considering people, society, and the environment, increases the unit price of customers.It is necessary to have advantages such as improving environmental value as a facility working on carbonization.I think there is a plan to create a place where EV users in the entire area, including the surrounding facilities, want to come and design the flow of people by charging.

 In this area, I would like to leave a detailed explanation in the second time because it is a specialty area of our chief design officer Yamazaki Seitaro.

To increase charging infrastructure --2: Need user-friendly

 At the end of 2021, we also introduced EVs for company vehicles.In addition to taking the initiative in the company involved in the EV charging service, the purpose is to have employees feel the EV ride and charging experience.

 Takashi Nishiwaki, President and CEO of the car interior manufacturer in Gifu Prefecture, Bon Form, also had the same idea, and was evaluated for green charging, which charges with 100 % renewable energy, and introduced our charger.He said that he would eventually introduce EVs into company cars, which would lead to an opportunity to improve the environmental awareness in the company and to get used to EVs.

 Despite the subsidies, EVs are still expensive, and the hurdles are high for general purchases.In addition, it is easy to think of carbonized measures as a large initiative, but first of all, I hope that the number of managers who will do such advanced initiatives will create an environment where the company uses recycled energy and EVs.There is.

令和3年12月3日 朝刊7面(出典:岐阜新聞)

 Let's return to our company EV.Naturally, the charging was actually experienced, but the word of a female employee of the general affairs who gave me a name to do it was impressive.

 "Eh? Do you know where to look at this?"

 There are a lot of stickers and stickers, and there is too much information and I don't know where to read.She was sorry for her, but she was able to show her for a while to show how difficult her beginner was.

 It was a quick charger, but when using a public charging stand, a "charging card" issued by a charging network company or automaker manufacturers is required.And the authentication method and usage fee differ depending on each company, and there is a registration hurdle related to this charging card creation.

 If there is no charging card, "guest (visitor) charging" must be "charged" according to the procedure set for each charger, and the method is not unified.

 For more information, Mitsuharu Ishii wrote a report on guest charging in EVSMART, but in some cases it takes 17 minutes to start charging.

Electric car guest charging [Real record report!】instruction manual

 It is not convinced that the spread of charging infrastructure not only increases the number of installations, but also the user -friendly that is easy to use for everyone, and is beautiful and easy to use.Uh?

 I wrote about what I needed for EV shifts based on my personal experience, but in fact I did not want to create a charging stand company.

 In Japan, the shopping bag was abolished and brought by my back under the cause of the environment, but many people may have felt a feeling of being done.

 Overseas, there is a professional saying (plogging), which enjoys sports until picking up trash.This is a combination of Swedish "Plocka Upp" and English "Jogging", which originated in Sweden.

 It is a simple sport that picks up the garbage that has been seen on the road to jogging, but you can see the attitude to work on environmental problems while enjoying such a fun.

 The same applies to the EV shift, and people do not move with the feeling of being done.At first, the issue of chicken eggs is used as an example, but in the EV shift, people who are riding the EV will be fun, so they will choose EVs, provide new EV life, including not only the product called charging stand but also the user experience before and after.I hope to create a company.

Naoki Okawa (Naoki Okawa) Born in Tokyo CEO of Tokyo.In 2002, graduated from Keio University Faculty of Law.He joined Dentsu and engaged in marketing operations in the mobile phone market.In 2007, he was seconded to a subsidiary interactive program guide and was involved in the management of a venture company related to broadcasting communication.In 2010, he joined Okawa Sekikan, a car parts manufacturing industry, and became a director.In 2013, he was stationed in Mexico and set up a local subsidiary and factory.He returned to Japan in 2018 and was appointed director.In the same year, he established a plago.In 2021, he retired from Okawa Seijin Kogyo and concentrated on the management of plago.