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Engajet Japanese version of the new Y -Mobile service that can retrofit AppleCare + to iPhone is amazing (Junya Ishino)

Engadget Logo Engajet Japanese version of the new Y -Mobile service that can retrofit AppleCare + to iPhone is amazing (Junya Ishino)

Softbank has launched the "Bring -in terminal compensation with AppleCare Services", which can attach "AppleCare+" to the brought terminal as a new service for Y -Mobile.In short, this is a service that allows you to join "AppleCare+" only during a Y -Mobile contract.

AppleCare+application is usually accepted until 30 days after purchase.On the other hand, Y -Mobile's brought -in terminal compensation requires a SIM card or ESIM contract.It is a very rare case in the world that a carrier provides services that can be put in AppleCare+in "retrofit".

The service content is almost the same as AppleCare+provided by Apple itself.The price is 1250 yen per month for relatively expensive professional models such as iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro.An unbranded version such as iPhone 13 and iPhone 12 is 950 yen per month.Repair and exchange are charged, but the price is much cheaper than compensation.For example, the screen repair and the rear glass repair are 3700 yen, and the other damage and Express replacement services are 12,900 yen.

As a privilege unique to Y -Mobile, the "lost mobile phone search service" and "data recovery support service" which are not found in the AppleCare body are included.In the case of the former, in the case of the iPhone, the "search" app can generally be replaced, but the big difference is that you can search for a device even when talking to the operator.Data recovery such as submerged is a special service that AppleCare+does not have.

However, as mentioned at the beginning, joining this service is limited when newly enrolled in Y -Mobile.When an existing user replaces the iPhone only, you need to enter Apple's AppleCare+.Conversely, if you buy an iPhone first and forget to enter AppleCare+, or if a person who did not think that it was unnecessary wants to change your mind, it may be useful.Hmm.

Therefore, it is likely that a user who already has an iPhone will be evaluated as a positive factor when choosing a career later.If the price is at the same level and there is no big difference in the area, it may be a decisive factor.

Compared to SoftBank, Y -Mobile, which has a higher percentage of SIM card single contracts, provided a compensation service called "failure security pack light" for the brought terminal based on its user attributes.On the other hand, the correspondence of the failure secure pack light is only the terminal replacement.The price for replacing it with an iPhone is also expensive.Users can choose the replacement device, but the iPhone 13 series is not in the lineup, and even the iPhone 12 costs 73,440 yen to 78,940 yen for 64GB version.

In this case, it may be better to look for the second -generation iPhone SE and iPhone 12 mini that sells at a special price without using compensation services.The failure safe pack light is for users who use the Android middle range model.The monthly fee is 550 yen, but if this is the case, the option of the Y -Mobile user who brought the iPhone is the choice of brought terminal compensation with AppleCare Services.

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エンガジェット日本版 手持ちiPhoneにAppleCare+を後付けできるワイモバイルの新サービスが凄い(石野純也)

POVO also provides "smartphone failure support"

Speaking of the retrofitting terminal compensation provided by the career, POVO2.Don't miss the "smartphone failure support", one of the 0 toppings.

This fee is 830 yen, which is not a one -shot topping like data communication or content, but a monthly fee.The iPhone is also eligible, but this is a unique KDDI compensation and has nothing to do with AppleCare+.The compensation content does not include repair, and it will be replaced with a refreshing product.In the case of Android, the terminal has a limit on the terminal of the replacement, but the iPhone is in principle replacing it with the same model.

What is attractive is the monthly fee.Originally 830 yen, it is cheaper than AppleCare+, and there is no difference between terminals, so if you are purchasing professional models such as iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro, you can enter the compensation service while reducing the monthly cost.I can do it.There is a difference of about 420 yen, so it will be 18,80 yen in two years.

Moreover, POVO2.In the case of 0, if you do not buy topping, the monthly fee is 0 yen.Therefore, the hurdle for joining is lower than a new contract for Y -Mobile.Even if a user who has forgotten to enter AppleCare+signs a contract to add a trick compensation service, it will not cost additional costs and will get a spare line.

In Japan, it is common to buy terminals from carriers.Many people buy terminals in their careers even after the separation plan obligations, as their habits are rooted.On the other hand, the number of users who sign only SIM cards and ESIMs alone and bring their terminals is gradually increasing.Y -Mobile, which was focusing on such sales methods, and POVO2 that did not sell terminals with an online plan.It may be a natural flow to provide retrofitting compensation services.

Not only the two brands above, online dedicated plans and sub -brand users, which are not necessarily the premise of purchasing a device, such as Ahamo, LINEMO, and UQ Mobile, are expanding.For this reason, the importance of compensation services that can be retrofitted, such as the brought -in terminal compensation with AppleCare Services and smartphone failure support toppings, is likely to increase.
