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Engajet Japanese version of the OLED version in the future Rumors that appear in 11 inches and 12.9 -inch sizes

Engadget Logo Engajet Japanese version of the OLED version in the future Rumors that appear in 11 inches and 12.9 -inch sizes

Recently, rumors have been under development of iPad Pro equipped with organic EL displays.Meanwhile, "11 inches and 12 in the future.Analyst prediction has been reported that an organic EL version iPad Pro will be released in both sizes of 9 inches.

The source of this rumor is Ross Young, a display specialty analyst.Young is a CEO of the supply chain research company DSCC, and has often sent out information on unpublished products from multiple companies belonging to Apple's supply chain.Actually, the accuracy of the forecast is very high, and the screen size of the 6th generation iPad mini is 8.I also hit 3 inches.

According to a report published by Young, in the tablet market after 2022, "Apple will launch an OLED iPad Pro and shake this category again."

Prior to this, Young is currently 12.He stated that the mini LED display used in the 9 -inch iPad Pro (2021) cannot be expected for this year's 11 -inch iPad Pro.In other words, the 11 -inch may suggest that it will move to an organic EL display without going through a mini LED.

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エンガジェット日本版 将来的に有機EL版iPadが11インチと12.9インチ両サイズで登場する噂

In addition, Young is "LG display 11 inches and 12 in the Korean electronic industry magazine THE ELEC..Aiming to supply an organic EL display for the 9 -inch iPad Pro, Samsung is also aiming to supply OLED only for 11 inches. "THE ELEC has published an article on the OLED version iPad Pro many times and is expected to be released in 2024.

According to THE ELEC, this organic EL display adopts LTPO technology with low power consumption, and it is possible to make a 10Hz to 120Hz variable refresh rate (Apple in Apple) like the iPhone 13 Pro.Promotion used in the conventional iPad Pro is consistently 24Hz to 120Hz, but if the lower limit is lowered to 10 Hz, it seems that further power savings can be expected.

In addition, THE ELEC states that the display has a two -tack tandem structure, which is expected to improve brightness and long -lasting.In short, two tacks are "two luminous layers", and it has been reported that there is more strength than the one (single stack) type so far.

Apple has just introduced a mini LED backlight technology last year (2021), and the expectation that it will move to OLED in just three years has been accepted as eyebrows.However, if Young, who is reliable, says that the wind direction is changing, if it is true, will the mini LED end with a transient flower, or the mini LED version and the organic EL version iPad Pro?Will it be together?I want to wait for the future report.

Source: DSCC

VIA: Macrumors
