The basic fee of 0 yen POVO2.0 starts and is it possible to keep using it for free?Is it easy to use?I tried it first The basic fee of 0 yen POVO2.0 starts and is it possible to keep using it for free?Is it easy to use?I tried it first

 AU's new rate plan "POVO2 POVO2."0" started.If you stay at home, use Wi-Fi, and if you only need to receive a call, you can use it for free POVO2.0 immediately tried whether it could be used cheaply and whether it was easy to join.

POVO2.All applications for 0 from the app

Can you keep using it for 0 yen?How much is the minimum maintenance cost?

 あらためてPOVO2.If you introduce the mechanism of 0, the base fee of the base is 0 yen.What you can do with 0 yen is a slow data communication, telephone, and SMS, which can be said to be an emergency of 128 kbps.If you send it, you will be charged for 22 yen per 30 seconds, but if you only use it for incoming calls, it will remain 0 yen.

 There is no problem if you have a fixed net line at home, and if you just connect with Wi-Fi completely.The area is the same as au, so there are not many cases where you are in a room in the back of the house and outside.

 However, there are some rules that cannot be used for free.The last purchase of the paid topping purchased, 180 days from the day after the expiration date, will be suspended if there is no paid topping purchase.Paid toppings are four genres: data communication / content / call / call / support, and the data communication is 5 levels of 1GB / 3GB / 20GB / 60GB / 150GB, and a total of six -tailed 24 hours.The expiration date is determined according to the capacity.

Data topping and call topping.Call toppings will be on a monthly basis, and once you apply, continue automatically until you cancel

Up to 128 kbps data communication is possible without data toppings.I actually tried to communicate, but the impression is that it is too late to be able to use some emails and apps.

 In the case of adding 990 yen toppings every month in 3GB (30 days), the cost is almost the same as the mini plan of the SoftBank "LINEMO", and the 2700 yen topping purchase for 20GB (30 days) is conventional.POVO1.It is almost the same as 0 (2728 yen a month).

 If you want to maintain it with an as close as possible to the free, the net will be on the net via Wi-Fi in the house, the phone will be exclusively incoming, but you should connect the minimum toppings so that they do not violate the 180-day rule.。"Smash".All -you -can -use pack (24 hours) is 220 yen.For data communication toppings, if you spend 390 yen for "1GB (3 days)" or "unlimited data (24 hours)" once every half a year, you can avoid the 180 -day rule.

 In other words, the minimum maintenance cost for about one year is Smash..Use unlimited packs are purchased twice every 180 days, and the month when the paid topping is purchased costs a universal service fee and a telephone relay service fee, so 440 yen plus per year is the minimum maintenance cost. 基本料0円のPOVO2.0がスタート、タダで使い続けることは可能? 利用は簡単? まずは試した

 In addition, whether the calling fee and SMS transmission fee to be charged will be treated as paid toppings.According to important matters when joining, if the use of 660 yen or more within the period is more than 660 yen, it will not be suspended.

Get a monthly GB to get the capacity when shopping at au Pay at a specific store

 At the minimum maintenance cost, the data communication is too slow, so I really want a little traffic.In particular, self -restraint by the new Coronavirus may be going to the end, and it is not always going home.

Giga life requires an entry in advance

 In that case, there is a " # giga activity" where you can get the traffic.You can get a communication at a specific store using au pay, "search" in the city or in a virtual space, or "hit" something.

 In eating out and middle food, you can get 300MB (3 days) for purchases of 500 yen or more, such as Sukiya, Marugame noodles, Lawson, Lawson, and Doutor Coffee, so if you continue to have lunch at the target store every weekday, you will not buy topping.It is a calculation that can use over 6GB per month.

 However, it is important to note that the traffic can be used.About one week after the purchase, the promo code is sent by e -mail, and it is a mechanism that can be used by applying it with the application, so you can rush to Marugame noodles saying "Giga is gone!"Not a thing.In addition, since the expiration date of the promo code is about 30 days, Giga activity must be planned.

The app has a registration screen of the promo mode, and the code you get is registered with the app and enables it.

 If you don't eat out for lunch, there is a way to shop for more than 2,000 yen in the supermarket "Beisia" and get 1GB (7 days).If you buy family ingredients, it is easy to clear the amount, so it is not difficult to get 4-5 GB per month just by shopping.

 In addition, Cainz, a Home improvement store in the Beisian affiliate, and the sports goods store's Himalayas for more than 2,000 yen (7 days).However, aside from home improvement stores, keeping shopping at sports goods stores is a little difficult.

 In addition to paying au pay at a specific store, there are also cases where you can get a promo code for data capacity by using the store.The card with the code is passed, and it can be applied on the spot.At a campsite called Zafum, you may get 3GB (30 days) for more than 7,000 yen, so you can expect a store that can use data for a long time in one high -priced use.

 Since these stores are subject to the start, there is a good chance that changes will be added.There should be more opportunities to cover your daily data capacity by shopping and using services.However, the data capacity obtained by Giga is not treated as a topping purchase, so it is necessary to purchase a separately paid topping to maintain the line.

 そして注意しなければならないのは、現状のPOVO2.In 0, "au Easy Payment" cannot be used (it is not used for the time being), so it is impossible to charge au Pay in the form of a monthly fee.It is important to note that the use of au Pay is essential for Giga Life, but the charge method is limited.