Apply for Aiful with "WEB completion"! Thorough explanation of how to do it, advantages and disadvantages

Apply for Aiful with "WEB completion"! Thorough explanation of how to do it, advantages and disadvantages

If you want to borrow money from Aiful, it is recommended that you apply using the "Web Complete" method. All procedures can be completed quickly with just a smartphone, making it easy for people who are busy or find it difficult to go to an ATM during the day. Another advantage of the complete web service is that it is difficult for others to know about its use.

In this article, I will explain in detail what Aiful's WEB completion is like. We will be discussing not only the application method but also the examination and enrollment confirmation that will be performed after the application, so please check it out until the end.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the "web complete" of card loans?
  2. Aiful also has a "web complete"! What are the benefits of Aiful's web completion?
  3. What are the disadvantages of Aiful's "web complete"?
  4. Flow from application to contract with Aiful's "Web Complete"
  5. If you want to get a same-day loan with Aiful's "Web Complete", check here!
  6. Borrowing method after applying for "WEB complete" with Aiful
  7. How to borrow when applying for something other than "Web complete"
  8. Aiful's "Web complete" Will the use of e-commerce affect mortgages and card loans?
  9. Aiful's "Web Completion" does not, in principle, confirm enrollment by telephone to the workplace
  10. When does Aiful call to confirm enrollment?
  11. Is there a possibility that people around you will know about your use of Aiful through a phone call from Aiful?
  12. Confirmation of employment of temporary workers and part-time workers
  13. How to confirm the employment of self-employed and freelancers
  14. What is the phone number for confirmation of employment? Come on times?
  15. The enrollment confirmation method is the same for other AIFUL products
  16. What if I can't answer the phone to confirm enrollment?
  17. In principle, Aiful's "WEB completion" does not call your home by phone
  18. Does your family ever find out about mail from Aiful?
  19. Do consumer finance companies other than Aiful have phone calls to confirm enrollment?
  20. Is there a "web completion" for bank card loans? Differences from Consumer Finance
  21. Q&A on Aiful's "Web Completion"
  22. Aiful's Web Completion is Easy and Recommended

Card Loan What is "WEB completion"?

What is WEB completion?

This is a service that allows you to complete procedures such as applying for a card loan using only the Internet, such as a smartphone or computer. There is no need to go to a store or ATM, so it is convenient to apply anytime, anywhere.

Since Aiful's WEB completion can be completed with just a smartphone, there is no mail or loan card. You can also reduce the risk of people noticing that you are using a card loan.

Web complete allows you to complete all the processes from application to borrowing money online. Specifically:

Step 1: Apply... Enter information from the website and submit. Take a picture of the required documents with your smartphone and upload them.

Step 2: Notification of screening results & contract……You will be contacted by email or phone. If it is an email, the contract procedure is possible from the link pasted in the text. You can also register for direct debit here.

Step 3: Borrow

You can quickly get to the point where you can borrow money without the hassle of going to the counter and the time lag of exchanges like mail. At AIFUL, if it is completed online, it is said that "financing can be done in as little as 25 minutes from the application."

There are many card loans that can be applied for online, and not only consumer finance like Aiful, but also banks and credit card companies offer similar services.

However, it should be noted that the content of "WEB completion" differs slightly depending on the financial institution. In some cases, you can only complete the contract procedure online even if you complete the "WEB completion".

Because there are cases like the following, it is recommended to check well in advance.

I will explain in detail about Aiful's web completion later.

Web completion is a convenient service, so unless you have a special reason such as "I'm not good at using smartphones" or "I want to do the procedure while talking to the person in charge", I'm sure you can apply for the WEB completion.

Especially in the following cases, web completion is easy to demonstrate its merits.

By the way, if you do not want to complete the web, there are generally the following methods.

Aiful also has a "web complete"! What are the benefits of Aiful's web completion?

I find it troublesome to complete the web. Are there any benefits?

The main advantages of web completion are that it is "fast", "easy", and "hard to be noticed".

If you don't complete the web, you may find it troublesome to go to the store or ATM, mail the documents, and so on.

On that point, there are many benefits to completing the web. Let's take a look at the merits of Aiful's web completion one by one.

With Aiful, you can not only complete the procedure on the Internet, but you can also omit the phone call to your home or place of work, which is common practice at other companies.

Even if you're not good at calling, can't answer at work, or don't want someone to call you at work, you can still apply, so the hurdles to use are low.

However, be careful as you may receive an exceptional phone call. Even in that case, you can rest assured that the use of the card loan will not be known to those around you, such as calling with your personal name instead of saying "I am Aiful" when you call.

Click here to apply for Aiful (Image = quoted from Aiful's official website)

Aiful's WEB completion supports transactions without a dedicated loan card (cardless). It is convenient because you can complete the procedure without using a card when borrowing or returning money.

You can also prevent mistakes such as "I forgot to bring my card!" It will also prevent family members from noticing that you have a loan card in your wallet.

By the way, at AIFUL, even after you have chosen to go cardless, if you find it easier to use a card after a while, you can have it issued later. I am grateful that it can be adjusted to my convenience.

Click here to apply for Aiful (Image = quoted from Aiful's official website) In the case of card loans from banks, etc., even if the transaction is completed online, the "contract guide" and loan card may be delivered to the home, and there are many people who get into trouble when their family finds it.

For those who want to use Aiful without being known by family members living together, we recommend completing the web. At AIFUL, no documents are basically sent by post, not only when making a contract, but also when using or repaying.

Click here to apply for Aiful

An advantage of the Internet is that you can apply even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, late at night or early in the morning. The Aiful application page is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

It is possible to eliminate the trouble of checking the business hours and searching for the nearest store like a phone or an unmanned contract machine. With Aiful, the screening can proceed even on weekends and holidays, so depending on the time you apply, you can complete the loan on the same day you apply even on weekends and holidays.

Click here to apply for Aiful (Image = quoted from Aiful's official website)

Aiful has an official app. Almost everything related to using Aiful, such as not only the application procedure but also the sending of necessary documents, borrowing and repayment procedures, can be completed with the official app.

It is easy and speedy, and even after borrowing money, you can check the balance and repayment amount within the app, so you can rest assured.

By the way, the official app icon is a mechanism that you can choose from 4 types and change it yourself. You can change it so that you can't tell it's "Aiful" at a glance, so even if someone peers into your smartphone, you don't have to worry.

Click here to apply for Aiful

What are the disadvantages of Aiful's "WEB completion"?

What are the disadvantages of using Aiful's "Web Completion"?

It may be difficult for people who are unfamiliar with operating smartphones.

Let's check not only the merits but also the demerits of Aiful's web completion. The main disadvantages and caveats are as follows.

When taking a picture with a smartphone camera and sending it, logging in to My Page and borrowing (requesting a transfer), etc., people who are not used to smartphones and the Internet may find it time-consuming.

Aiful basically does not send mail or make phone calls. However, exceptions are made, for example, when you ignore contact from Aiful while your repayment is in arrears. Mail and phone calls are not 100% guaranteed.

Aiful can borrow and repay at ATMs, affiliated banks, and convenience store ATMs if you have a loan card. However, when using cardless, the ATMs that can be used are limited to those of Seven Bank or Lawson Bank, and you will use the smartphone app instead of a card.

With Aiful, you can also choose a borrowing method called "transfer", so you can borrow and return with a single operation on your smartphone without going to an ATM. However, if you don't want to leave a record in your passbook and are thinking about using an ATM, be careful.

Flow from application to contract for Aiful's "Web Kanten"

How long does it take to be able to use the service if I apply for it?

According to Aiful's official website, if you complete the online application, you will be able to borrow in as little as 25 minutes from application. It is faster than other methods, so if you are in a hurry, it is recommended to complete the web.

From here, I will explain how the procedure will proceed if you choose to complete the web with Aiful, along with the points of the procedure. The following 6 steps are the basic flow.

Although it depends on the time of day you apply, it tends to be possible to complete steps 1 to 6 above on the same day. Let's take a closer look at each step from application to contract.

Click here to apply for Aiful

Display the application page for Aiful on your smartphone or computer. You can also apply from the official app of Aiful.

In addition to basic information such as address, name, and phone number, you will be asked about your place of employment, annual income, and borrowing status at other companies, so follow the instructions on the screen and enter the correct information.

The information you enter here will be verified during the next step, 'Review'. In the worst case, if there is an input error, you may not be able to pass the examination and you may not be able to borrow money, so be careful. At the end, a screen displaying a list of the entered information will appear, so check that there are no mistakes before sending.

By the way, it is absolutely NG to fill in false information just because you want to pass the examination. Lies will surely be dropped in the examination if they are found during the examination process.

Click here to apply for Aiful

If you need funds urgently, such as "I need money as soon as possible!" is.

It will take some time, but by calling, you can receive priority screening, which will save you time. The toll-free number is open from 9:00 to 21:00.

After completing the application, submit the necessary documents. There are two types of documents required for AIFUL: identity verification documents and income certificates. You don't need to print or mail it, just take a picture with your smartphone and send it, so it's easy.

Identity verification documents are public documents that confirm the address, name, and date of birth of the applicant. For example:

If you don't have a document with a face photo, you can clear it by combining two documents such as "health insurance card + utility bill" and "pension handbook + resident card".

If the address on the document is different from your current address, you will need to send not only the documents with your old address, but also two or more documents that include your current address and send them by simple registered mail to your home. For example, the following combinations are valid.

Example: Driver's license (old address) + various insurance cards (current address) + pension book (current address) + simple registered mail sent to home

Proof of income is required only in the following three cases.

The income certificate specifically refers to the following documents.

Prepare the latest version of one of the above.

The applicant will be screened by AIFUL based on the information entered at the time of application and the documents submitted. The judging criteria have not been published.

However, in the examination, it is thought that Aiful is confirming that "this person is likely to return the money properly" about the applicant. You cannot borrow money unless you pass the examination.

By the way, even if you apply not only at Aiful, but also at other consumer finance and banks, there will always be an examination. At this stage, the applicant simply waits without any formalities.

Some people may be worried about what is being checked and how they will be able to pass the examination. Let's take a closer look at Aiful's review process.

Let's assume that "the content you entered in step 1" and "the documents you submitted in step 2" are all subject to review. As mentioned above, the specific screening criteria have not been announced, but in general it is thought that the following tendencies will be observed.

Example of screening itemsExpected content
Address, name, date of birthCheck if the entered information matches the submitted document and if it is within the age limit (between 20 and 69)
Place of work< /td>Confirm whether you have registered correctly by confirming your enrollment (details will be described later)
Work stylePermanent employees and civil servants are advantageous
Annual incomeHigher is better
LongevityLower is better< /td>
Number of borrowings and total amount borrowed from other companiesLess is better
Personal bankruptcy and voluntary liquidation Disadvantages if registered in credit information

By the way, the number of borrowings and the total amount borrowed from other companies are self-reported However, the information is checked against the contents registered with the "credit information agency". Financial institutions such as banks, consumer finance companies, and credit card companies share information such as user application status, borrowing status, and repayment status through credit information agencies.

In other words, if you make a false declaration or you are behind in repayment at another company, you will find out at the time of the examination. Be sure to declare the correct information properly, as it is an important part that is directly linked to the results of the examination.

It is done as part of the screening, and refers to the work of confirming whether the applicant is really working at the place of employment that he or she declared. A common method is for a person in charge of a financial institution to call your place of employment to confirm.

In principle, AIFUL does not accept phone calls to confirm enrollment. Therefore, it will be easy for people to use it with peace of mind even for those who say "I'm in trouble if I can call you at work" or "I can't answer the phone because everyone is teleworking".

In Aiful, it is thought that enrollment confirmation is basically done by document, not by phone. We'll talk more about how to confirm your enrollment over the phone later.

Details of enrollment confirmation are not listed on Aiful's official website. However, in general, the following documents are considered acceptable for enrollment verification.

The point is that the name of the company you work for is listed. If you are self-employed or freelance, you can prove that you are in business if you have a tax return or payment record.

Aiful will notify you of the results once the review is complete. The means of contact is by phone or email. Just in case, let's be ready to pick up a call from an unknown number.

You may be contacted within 30 minutes of completing your application. If you receive a notification that you have passed the screening, you will proceed to the next step. At this stage, you will be notified of the borrowing conditions such as the credit limit and interest rate, so be sure to check them as well.

If you pass the examination and there are no problems with the borrowing conditions, it's finally time to sign the contract. Once the contract is complete, you can borrow money at any time.

If you complete the contract on the web, you can complete the contract procedure on your smartphone or computer. Let's set the following three things.

Click here to apply for AIFUL

Check here if you want to receive a loan on the same day with AIFUL's "Web Completion"!

Can I receive a loan on the same day if I apply with AIFUL's "Web Completion"?

Yes, if you are in a hurry, we recommend "Web complete".

If you want to borrow money in a hurry, select "Web complete". Here are some tips for getting a same day loan.

Aiful can borrow money as early as 30 minutes after completing the application. However, if you apply late at night, it may be the next morning or later, so be careful. You should complete your application by 20:00.

Click here to apply for Aiful

If there are any mistakes in the information you have entered or the documents you have submitted, the screening process will be hindered or you will be contacted to resubmit. Be careful even if you're in a hurry, as you'll lose precious time and end up having to do it twice.

At Aiful, if you call the toll-free number, you will be given priority to proceed with the review. Especially if you are in a hurry, it will be smoother if you make one phone call even if you feel troublesome.

When the contract is complete, take your smartphone and go to Seven Eleven or Lawson to operate the ATM. At Aiful, borrowing by wire transfer is also convenient. However, depending on the financial institution, in the case of late night or early morning, there are cases where it is out of business hours.

Click here to apply for Aiful

How to borrow after applying for "WEB Kankan" at Aiful

Is it easy to borrow with WEB Kankan?

With Aiful's WEB completion, you can easily borrow without a dedicated loan card.

After applying, you can borrow money at any time after passing the examination and completing the contract. Here, I will explain the procedure when actually borrowing money after that.

When using Aiful online (cardless), there are two borrowing methods: "transfer" and "smartphone app".

You can choose from two types of borrowing methods according to your convenience. Details on how to do this will be provided later.

Aiful can apply with 'web completion' cormorant! Thorough explanation of how to do it, advantages and disadvantages

By the way, at Aiful, even if you complete the procedure online, you can request the issuance of a loan-only card later, free of charge. Cards can also be borrowed from ATMs of partner banks.

Click here to apply for Aiful

Transfer is the only method that can be completed with only a smartphone among the several Aiful borrowing methods. Log in to My Page and enter the amount you want to borrow within the usage limit determined at the time of contract and proceed with the borrowing procedure.

Depending on the bank, the money will be credited to your account in as little as 10 seconds after the procedure.

This procedure is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is a very convenient method because you can easily complete the procedure even on weekends, holidays, or late at night. In addition, the transfer fee is borne by Aiful, so it is free no matter how many times you use it.

By the way, if you are not good at using a smartphone, you can request a transfer over the phone.

Click here to apply for Aiful

To borrow using the smartphone app, you must first download the official Aiful app. Look for it in the Apple Store or Google Play. At Aiful, you can use this app for all applications, borrowings, and repayments.

When borrowing, the app can be used instead of a loan card, so you can go to a partner ATM and proceed with the procedure even if you don't have a card.

As of January 2022, the only ATMs that can use the Aiful smartphone app are Seven Bank and Lawson Bank.

Smartphone app compatibleSeven Bank, Lawson Bank
Smartphone app compatible, but with card OK AEON Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Nishi-Nippon City Bank, E-NET ATMFami Port (FamilyMart multimedia terminal, until the end of March 2022), etc.

Some banks, such as AEON Bank and Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, cannot be operated with the smartphone app, but you can use it for borrowing if you have a dedicated loan card.

In rare cases, there may be a situation such as "It's an ATM at Lawson, but it's not a Lawson Bank ATM! I can't use the smartphone app." If possible, it is safe to check in advance whether the ATM at the nearby convenience store supports it.

The specific procedure for borrowing with the smartphone app is the following 7 steps.

There are a lot of steps and it looks complicated, but if you are used to using smartphones, you should be able to complete it in a few minutes without any problems.

Click here to apply for Aiful

One thing to keep in mind when borrowing with a smartphone app is that there are fees involved. Fees for both Seven Bank and Lawson Bank are as follows.

Transaction amountFee
10,000 yen or less110 yen< /td>
More than 10,000 yen220 yen

Borrow in units of 1000 yen Yes, but you will be charged a fee each time you borrow. If you use it many times, you can avoid paying unnecessary fees by using "transfer", which can be used free of charge.

It is one of the methods to use depending on the situation, such as "smartphone app" when it is especially urgent, and "transfer" otherwise.

How to borrow when applying other than "Web complete"

How do I borrow if I apply for something other than "Web complete"?

Borrowing is possible with bank transfers, smartphone apps, Aiful ATMs, partner ATMs, etc.

If you apply for AIFUL by a method other than WEB completion such as telephone or unmanned contract machine, you have the following four options for borrowing methods.

Even if you apply by a method other than WEB completion, you can also choose to borrow with the same "transfer" or "smartphone application" as WEB completion.

If you apply by any method other than WEB completion, a loan card will be issued. If you use a loan card, you can borrow money at Aiful ATMs and affiliated ATMs.

Click here to apply for Aiful

Will using Aiful's "Web complete" affect my mortgage or card loan?

I'm thinking of buying a house. Is it possible to fail the home loan review due to the use of the WEB completion of the card loan?

Even if you use the WEB completion of the card loan, it does not mean that you will not be able to pass the examination of the home loan. In the first place, "whether or not the website is complete" is not so important, so you don't have to worry too much about it.

Some of you may have heard that borrowing money from Aiful will affect your mortgage or card loan. It's a point that makes you feel uneasy, but how is it actually?

More important than that is the current borrowing situation and repayment situation. In the examination of a home loan, it is thought that the number of borrowings of card loans at the time of application, the borrowing balance, the presence or absence of delinquency, etc. are checked.

In addition to AIFUL, each financial institution registers the applicant's application status, borrowing status, repayment status, etc. with credit information agencies.

When a person using AIFUL undergoes a mortgage examination, the credit information can also be checked by the financial institution that lends the mortgage.

Financial institutions register the information of people who have applied for their own loan services and credit cards with "credit information agencies" so that they can be used for screening each other.

Of course, information such as "I applied for Aiful" and "How much I owe at Aiful" will be confirmed and understood by the financial institution that examines the mortgage. However, at that time, "whether or not the web is complete" is not a point to be emphasized.

Some people can pass the mortgage examination without any problems even if they use Aiful or card loans. You shouldn't worry too much.

However, if you have ever been late, be careful. In this case, the person who examines the mortgage will think that "this person will delay repayment again" and lose credibility, making it difficult to pass the examination.

In particular, it will be more difficult for people who have been behind in payments for several months or who have taken legal measures such as personal bankruptcy or voluntary liquidation without being able to pay back.

On the other hand, if it is only a few days late, it may still be in Aiful's records and not be registered with the credit bureau.

In addition, since the records of the credit information agency disappear after a certain period of time (basically 5 years), it may be safe for people who say, "I was late for a long time, but I have been able to pay it back without any problems recently." yeah.

The credit information agency will disclose the registered information for a fee (about 1000 yen) if the person wishes. If you are worried about the examination or want to check whether past delinquencies are recorded, it is one way to get your own information.

In principle, Aiful's "Web Completion" does not require phone calls to confirm enrollment

I don't want Aiful to call me at work, but can I avoid that?

Aiful basically does not contact the workplace. Even if you don't complete the web, you won't usually get a phone call to your workplace even if you don't consult in advance. By the way, I don't even have a phone call to my house.

From here, let's take a look at the "enrolment confirmation" that is done at Aiful. At Aiful, regardless of whether or not it is completed online, confirmation of enrollment by phone is "no principle".

At other companies, there are many rules such as ``It is mandatory to call the workplace'' or ``No phone calls only if the job is completed online'', but Aiful does not have such rules. It will be easy to use even for office workers who feel that they do not want the company to call them.

However, Aiful may call you if it is deemed absolutely necessary for review. Even if you receive a phone call, you can rest assured that your privacy will be taken care of, such as "using your personal name instead of Aiful" and "not telling anyone other than yourself about the card loan".

Click here to apply for AIFUL

As a general rule, AIFUL does not make phone calls to confirm enrollment. On Aiful's official website, the reason for this is stated that ``there is a mechanism in place to confirm whether they are working without having to call them''.

It's not just "100% no phone". As will be described later, in some cases, such as when it is not possible to confirm "whether it is working" by normal methods, there are cases where a phone call is received.

Some people may intentionally not enter their work phone number correctly, such as 'I don't want them to call me at work' or 'I don't have a phone to confirm my enrollment anyway'. But definitely don't.

Because if Aiful makes a phone call and it leads to a completely different number, it may lead directly to "cannot confirm enrollment = failure in screening". Now, if you search on the Internet, you may find the phone number of the company.

In principle, do not lie even if you do not have a telephone confirmation, and fill it out honestly and correctly.

When do you get a phone call from Aiful to confirm your enrollment?

When will Aiful call me to confirm my enrollment?

You may receive a phone call when it is not possible to determine whether you are working or not.

As mentioned above, at Aiful, there are basically no phone calls to confirm enrollment. There are occasional phone calls.

If you are worried about receiving a phone call from Aiful at your workplace, you should know a little more about the timing and content of confirmation of enrollment.

As mentioned earlier, according to Aiful's official website, the reason why they don't call to confirm their enrollment is because they have a system in place to check if they are working or not without having to call them.

The details of this mechanism have not been disclosed, but if it is not possible to determine "whether or not you are working" from the content you entered at the time of application and the documents you submitted, you may be subject to a phone call.

Even if you get a phone call from Aiful to your workplace, the chances of it being known that you will borrow money from someone at work will be low. This is because when you call, the person in charge does not say "Aiful" but gives his or her personal name.

When you apply for a credit card, there is a similar examination, so if someone at work looks suspicious, you can just say something like, "I applied for a new credit card."

Click here to apply for Aiful

The phone call to confirm your enrollment is surprisingly short-lived. First of all, it is thought that the enrollment confirmation can be completed without the person himself appearing.

If someone from your workplace appears, the person in charge at Aiful will ask, "Is Mr. ○○ (applicant's name) here?" If someone at work responds with something like, "○○ is out of the office right now," that's it.

The person in charge of Aiful may say, "I'll call you back then," and hang up the phone, but since the business is already done, they probably won't call you back at work.

When Aiful makes a call to confirm your enrollment, it is set to hide your number. People at work can't even look up or call your number because the number is hidden.

Some of the financial institutions that call you to confirm your enrollment may be able to accommodate your preferences, such as the day of the week and time of day to call, if you consult them in advance.

For those who are worried about the phone, or who have circumstances such as ``I can get out in the morning,'' or ``Wednesday is telework and no one is there,'' Aiful may be flexible. Therefore, please call Aiful (0120-337-137) immediately after completing the application.

Click here to apply for Aiful

We may be flexible about the timing of the enrollment confirmation phone call. However, let's think that it is not possible to specify the details of the phone here.

The content of the phone call to confirm enrollment is very short and condensed as mentioned above. An AIFUL representative will never tell someone in the workplace about the matter, such as "about a card loan" or "for AIFUL's review." Rest assured.

I was told that the call to confirm enrollment is the final stage of the review process. Even from the Aiful side, the phone call to the workplace. It takes time and effort, so it is thought that they are calling only those who have passed the other examinations without any problems.

Therefore, basically, it will be "the phone call to confirm enrollment has been completed without any problems = the screening has passed". However, there are rare cases where you will be contacted that you have failed the examination after receiving a phone call, so do not let your guard down until you receive an e-mail or phone call with the examination results.

Is there a possibility that people around you will know about your use of Aiful through a phone call from Aiful?

Will others find out about the loan from Aiful's phone calls?

Aiful strives to protect the privacy of its customers as much as possible, such as not calling itself "Aiful".

Some people may be worried that a phone call from Aiful to their workplace will lead to someone at work finding out that "that person is trying to borrow money from Aiful." But you shouldn't worry too much.

It is unlikely that the use of Aiful will be known because of the phone call to confirm your enrollment. This is because when you call to confirm your enrollment, you do not identify yourself as Aiful or tell them what you are doing.

The content of the phone call will be completed in a few minutes because it will only be exchanged a few words as mentioned above. It is also possible to fill in the extension number of your desk so that you can call yourself instead of someone at work, or consult in advance and have them call you when you are available.

However, people at work who do not receive many calls from individuals may be worried. In such a case, how about trying to overcome the following measures?

Even after you receive a phone call to confirm your enrollment and someone at work responds or you answer and the confirmation is completed, the person at work asks you "What was the call?" "Who is it from?" may be

In such a case, it is recommended to answer something like "I made a new credit card, so it seems that it was a confirmation of enrollment." Enrollment confirmation phone calls are not limited to consumer finance or card loans. I get similar calls when I apply for a credit card.

It will be less likely to be suspicious if you notify in advance that "I applied for a credit card yesterday, so maybe there will be such a call in the near future."

Confirmation of employment of temporary employees and part-time workers

Is employment confirmation also performed for temporary employees and part-time workers?

Even if you are a temporary employee or a part-time worker, we will confirm your enrollment with documents.

Employment confirmation is also available for non-regular employees such as temporary employees, part-time workers, and part-timers. Let's take a closer look at how enrollment confirmation is done in the case of non-regular employment and where to fill in the phone number.

Basically, Aiful will not call your workplace to confirm your enrollment. The same applies to non-regular employment such as temporary employees, contract employees, part-time workers, and part-time workers. However, there are occasional phone calls.

If you are working part-time or part-time, enter the phone number where you work in the work phone number field. For example, the store you usually go to and the phone number that connects you to your desk.

If you write down the number of a place where you are not usually, such as the main phone number of the head office, it will not be possible to proceed smoothly if you receive a phone call to confirm your enrollment. If someone picks up the phone and says, ``We don't have that kind of person here,'' or ``I can't answer,'' there's a good chance you'll fail the screening.

It is a good idea to fill in a phone number that is as close to the place where you actually work as possible, and to tell people in advance that "I applied for a credit card, so maybe I will receive a confirmation call." is.

Click here to apply for Aiful

If you are a temporary employee, you may be wondering whether to enter the phone number of the dispatched company or the dispatched company. The place where you actually work is the “dispatch destination”. However, Aiful requires you to write the number of the dispatcher, so be careful not to make a mistake.

By the way, it seems that there are many places other than Aiful asking for information on the "dispatch source" rather than the "dispatch destination".

Some temporary staffing companies say that they will not respond to enrollment confirmation without prior contact. Basically, AIFUL does not confirm enrollment over the phone, but just in case, it is safe to inform the temporary staffing agency that "there may be a phone call to confirm enrollment in the near future."

Click here to apply for AIFUL

How to confirm the enrollment of a self-employed or freelancer

Can self-employed or freelancers borrow from AIFUL?

If you can confirm that you are working, you can borrow.

Self-employed or freelancers may wonder, "Is there an enrollment confirmation in the first place?" Some of them may be earning at home without a shop or office.

As a general rule, there is no "call to work" at Aiful. If you do not have a work phone number, enter your personal cell phone number.

However, even if there is no phone, we are checking whether it is actually working. If you are self-employed or a freelancer, you may need to verify your income by document even if you do not have a phone call to confirm your enrollment.

For example, you may be required to submit the most recent final tax return, income certificate (taxation certificate), residence tax determination notification, etc. Having these documents readily available will make the process smoother.

By the way, in addition to the usual “cash advance loan” service, Aiful also offers loans exclusively for businesses to use as operating funds and capital investment funds for businesses.

(Image = quoted from Aiful's official website)

If you are a sole proprietor and want to rent for work, why not consider this as well?

Click here to apply for Aiful

How many calls will I receive to confirm my enrollment?

How many times will I receive a phone call to confirm my enrollment?

In principle, AIFUL does not call to confirm enrollment.

Aiful tends to never call to confirm enrollment.

If it does, it will be in the review process after you complete your application. If you or someone at work picks up the phone, that one call is all it takes.

If there is a possibility that you will receive a call again, it is possible that "no one answered the phone at work" or "you applied for an increase".

Applying for an increase is a procedure to do when you want your credit limit to be raised. If you are borrowing money from AIFUL and feel that you are not enough even if you borrow up to the upper limit of the credit limit or that you need a little more money, you may be able to borrow more money by applying for an increase.

When you apply for an increase, you will be screened in the same way as when you applied for the first time, and your enrollment will be confirmed again. In particular, if it has been a while since you applied or if you have changed jobs (changed jobs), the probability increases, so be careful.

The enrollment confirmation method is the same for other AIFUL products

What kind of loan products does AIFUL offer?

In addition to cashing loans, various products such as women-only loans and summary loans are available.

Aiful has many other loan products in addition to the usual "cash advance loan".

Cash advance loanThe most common underlying product
First premium card loanLimited to first-time AIFUL users
SuLaLiWomen only
Summary MAXConsolidation Loan Only
Refund MAXRefinancing Only
Unsecured LoanBusiness Fund Only
Real Estate Secured LoanBusiness Fund Only

Since these products differ in usage, interest rates, limits, etc., you should choose the one that suits you.

Regardless of which one you apply for, the method of confirming enrollment is basically the same, and in principle there is no telephone contact. Applicants will be screened based on the content declared at the time of application and the documents submitted.

Since the documents required to be submitted are the same, it is a good idea to prepare identification documents and income certificates (depending on the amount borrowed).

Click here to apply for Aiful

What if I can't answer the phone to confirm my enrollment?

What happens if I call to confirm my enrollment on a company holiday?

Basically, Aiful does not call to confirm enrollment. If we need to confirm, we will call you again.

As a general rule, AIFUL does not call the office. Therefore, even if your workplace is closed or you are on holiday, basically the examination will proceed without any problems.

However, even at Aiful, there are rare cases where you need to make a phone call to confirm your enrollment. If your office is closed on a holiday, no one will answer the phone and you will not be able to get through. So I will be calling you again later.

If your company is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, you may be able to confirm your enrollment on Monday even if you apply on Saturday. It is possible that the company is open, but I am taking a day off. However, there is no need to worry because the enrollment confirmation can be completed even in this case.

Even if you can't go out, if someone from your workplace comes out and says "○○ (applicant's name) is taking a day off today", it will be proof that the person is working there. . Since the purpose of enrollment confirmation can be achieved, it is completed without any problems.

Aiful's "Web Completion" does not call home in principle

I don't want to worry my family by calling home. Can you avoid phone calls?

As a general rule, Aiful does not call home. Even people who don't want to worry their family or want to borrow without being known will find it easy to use.

As a general rule, Aiful does not call the workplace to confirm enrollment. In addition, there is basically no confirmation phone call to home. This is the same whether you apply online or apply in any other way.

There are some people whose family members find out about their use of the phone when they make a phone call to their home, leading to quarrels and troubles.

Even if I really need to call, I will call the person's cell phone first, not at home. At that point, if you can answer the phone and have a conversation, you won't bother to call home again.

Click here to apply for Aiful

Basically, we do not call home, but there are exceptions in the following cases.

For example, if you have not been able to contact us without making a payment even after the specified date, it is a violation of the membership agreement. From the perspective of Aiful, who lends the money, they would be worried, "Did something happen to the person? Will the person return the money properly?"

Sometimes I call home or work. It is unavoidable because it is a special situation close to "emergency contact" rather than normal contact or simple confirmation.

If you really don't want someone to call you home, here's how to deal with it.

If you are applying to Aiful, borrowing money, or repaying money, you will not receive a phone call at home. Contact from Aiful should come to the person's mobile phone before home.

Instead of ignoring the phone number saying, "I don't know the number," try searching for the number, even if it's troublesome, and always return the call if it's from Aiful. Never write a false number just because you don't want them to call your home.

If Aiful discovers that you have deliberately provided false information, you may lose credibility and be unable to borrow money.

Will my family ever find out about mail from Aiful?

Does the mail from Aiful say "Aiful"?

There is no mention of "Aiful" on the envelope sent from Aiful.

For those who don't want their family to know that they are using Aiful, it is important to be careful not only when calling home, but also when sending mail.

With Aiful's WEB completion, you can use it without any mail. In other companies, there may be cases where a loan card etc. is sent after the contract is signed. However, since AIFUL can be used without a card, mail will not be sent.

There are rare cases where mail is sent during use, but even in that case, consideration is given to not being able to understand the requirements at a glance, such as being sent in an envelope without "Aiful" written on it.

Aiful's official website states:

Therefore, it is unlikely that the mail will cause worry to the family.

Click here to apply for AIFUL

Basically, there is no mail for AIFUL. However, in the following cases, mail may be delivered to your home as an exception.

Postal mail is a method that is unavoidably used when you can't get in touch with other means, just like "phone home". If you want to avoid mail to your home, make sure that you can always log in to Aiful's My Page and respond to emails and phone calls from Aiful.

It is also important to return the borrowed money on time.

Do consumer finance companies other than Aiful have phone calls to confirm enrollment?

Is Aiful the only company that doesn't have a phone call to confirm enrollment?

In addition to Aiful, there are companies that do not require a phone call to confirm enrollment depending on the conditions.

A major feature of Aiful's enrollment confirmation is that in principle there is no telephone contact. What about other companies? Here, we will look at the confirmation of enrollment in the following major consumer finance companies that are the same as Aiful.

If you are wondering where to borrow money, please compare and use it as a reference for choosing consumer finance.

(Image = quoted from Acom HP)

Acom confirms enrollment by phone. However, it is safe because they give maximum consideration so that people at work do not know that you are trying to borrow money, such as using your personal name instead of the company name.

If you are unsure, please call Acom at 0120-07-1000 before applying. There is a possibility that we can meet your request, such as the gender of the operator who will make the call, the approximate date and time, and the desired contact information.

If there are circumstances, it seems that there are cases where confirmation can be changed to a document instead of a phone call by consulting in advance.

Click here to apply for Acom (Image = quoted from Promise HP)

Promise also basically confirms enrollment by phone. However, like Acom, if you consult with us by phone (promise call: 0120-24-0365) before applying, such as calling with your personal name instead of the company name, there is a possibility that they will be flexible.

If you feel uneasy about calling your workplace, try talking to them over the phone.

Click here to apply for Promise (Image = quoted from Lake ALSA website) On the official website, "When confirming employment at your company, we give due consideration to the privacy of our customers, so we will call you with the personal name of the person in charge using a non-notification number or a dedicated number for outgoing calls. , please rest assured."

Even at Lake ALSA, if you consult in advance, they will listen to your preferences such as the gender of the operator who will make the call and will be flexible. In some cases, you can complete the document submission without a phone call, so if you have even a little bit of anxiety, it is a good idea to call the toll-free number (0120-09-09-09) and ask for advice.

Click here to apply for Lake ALSA. For those who want to avoid the phone, it will be a powerful option like Aiful.

At SMBC Mobit, if you apply normally, you will receive a phone call to your workplace. (However, it is possible to consult to change it to confirmation by submitting documents.) The application screen is different in the first place for the normal application and the online application, so if you want to avoid telephone or mail, please do not make a mistake with "Web complete application". Let's choose

Also, not everyone can use SMBC Mobit's "WEB complete application". Eligibility conditions are as follows.

Only those who meet both of the above conditions can apply online. The issuer of the insurance card is always listed on the insurance card you have, so be sure to check it. Self-employed people and freelancers with national health insurance cards cannot meet this condition.

Click here to apply for SMBC Mobit Differences from consumer finance

We are also considering bank card loans. Does the bank also have web completion?

There are some bank card loans that claim to be "complete online". However, it may be slightly different from Aiful's "WEB complete", so it is recommended to check carefully whether there is any difference from what you are expecting before applying.

In addition to consumer finance such as Aiful, banks also offer card loans. There are some bank card loans that claim to be "web complete", but it is important to note that the content is slightly different from Aiful's "web complete". Let's take a closer look at what the differences are.

Even though it is the same as "WEB completion", it may only mean that the application can be done on the Internet and there is no need to visit the store. On the other hand, it may mean that everything from application to borrowing and repayment can be completed online.

In addition, there are differences in the presence or absence of telephone contact and the presence or absence of mail. Let's compare the points that you value, such as "I want to use it conveniently" and "I don't want people to know how I use it".

The first difference between "web complete" by financial institutions is whether it can be cardless. With Aiful, you can complete everything from application to borrowing and repayment through the app, so you don't need to issue a dedicated loan card.

On the other hand, in the case of a bank, there are cases where "you can only apply online, but you will have to bring your card and go to an ATM to actually borrow money."

In this case, the loan card will be mailed to your home or carried in your wallet, so there is a high risk that your family and people around you will see it. It is a negative factor for those who want to use it without anyone knowing.

However, among bank card loans, there are a wide variety of things such as "must issue a loan card", "can be used as a cash card for a bank savings account", and "cardless support". Although it is detailed, it is recommended to check it in advance because it affects usability after signing the contract.

Aiful will confirm your enrollment based on the information you have submitted online and the documents you have submitted. Therefore, there is basically no phone call to the workplace to confirm enrollment.

In other consumer finance, you can make a phone call "no principle" by applying online, and although there is a phone call to confirm your enrollment, there is a tendency to be flexible if you consult in advance. is.

On the other hand, bank card loans have the impression of being stricter than consumer finance. The phone call to confirm enrollment is a mandatory item that cannot be omitted, and it may not be as flexible as consumer finance. If you really want to avoid calling work, be careful.

Some bank card loans require you to have a savings account of your own bank in order to complete the process online. If you don't have a bank account with the bank you're going to borrow from, you'll need to open a savings account at the same time as the card loan.

There are also cases where you have to specify your own bank account as the transfer destination or account debit destination. Even if you don't have an account, you can apply for it, but in the end, there are many cases where you can't borrow or repay by bank transfer without an account, and you are limited to using it only at ATMs.

On the other hand, in consumer finance, there are often no restrictions on the bank account you can specify, so you can set up an account that is easy to use, such as an account that receives your salary or an account that you use on a daily basis. .

Q&A about Aiful's "Web Completion"

Aiful's Web Completion is easy and recommended

We recommend "Web Completion" when applying for an Aiful card loan. This is because it is easy and speedy, and there is little danger that people around you will know about your use. With Aiful's WEB completion, you can complete everything from application to contract, borrowing and repayment after that with just your smartphone.

Aiful is also recommended for those who are unsure about enrollment confirmation. Regardless of whether or not the application is complete online, it is a great strength that there is no phone call to confirm enrollment in principle.

I would like to eliminate anxiety factors in advance as much as possible so that you can use it with peace of mind.

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