The tablet course "Children's Challenge Jump Touch" to learn with Shimajiro will start in April 2022!

The tablet course "Children's Challenge Jump Touch" to learn with Shimajiro will start in April 2022!

 Early childhood is an important period for laying the foundation for future learning and social life. At elementary schools, under the GIGA school concept, the educational environment has changed significantly, such as distributing one tablet to each child, introducing online classes, and making programming learning compulsory. According to a survey by the Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute in January 2021, 40% of older children use tablets at least once a week (* 1), indicating that digitization is progressing in families with young children. We also hear from parents that they want to be close to their children's learning, but they don't have the time.
 Based on the knowledge and know-how of digital learning materials that Benesse has accumulated so far, we have launched a tablet course called "Children's Challenge Jump" that allows children to learn on their own with peace of mind and build a foundation for learning habits and academic ability in preparation for entering elementary school. Touch" will be held.
 Utilizing the features of digital learning materials, the moving "Shimajiro" draws out children's curiosity and motivation more than ever before. In addition, based on the knowledge of 33 years since the first issue of "Kodomo Challenge", the optimal media design for young children combines not only tablets but also paper teaching materials and educational toys to develop thinking skills from the basics of letters and numbers to programming. It is a learning tablet dedicated to children that emphasizes safety and security, so you can smoothly work on your first tablet learning.

■Name "Children's Challenge Jump Touch"
■Characteristics In addition to digital learning content delivered monthly on a study-only tablet, toys and paper teaching materials are also included
Ideal for young children This is a course where you can acquire study habits and the academic skills necessary before entering the school with a variety of media.
■ Teaching materials

Tablet course to learn with Shimajiro

[Tablet (contents delivered monthly)]
- Delivered monthly with 12 learning themes necessary for admission preparation
- Approximately 15 minutes once a day (1 lesson 5 minutes x 3 lessons) [Work (every year) Provided 3 times)]
The important "writing pressure" and "handwriting" at the beginning of learning letters are actually written on paper with a pencil [Educational toys and special supplements (each provided twice a year)] ]
Experiential learning using the five senses with toys and supplements

■Target: Those who will be older from April 2022
■Course fee: 35,760 yen (lump sum payment for 12 months) per month 2,980 yen per unit
*Consumption tax included *0 yen tablet fee for continuous enrollment of 6 months or more
Overview of the “Children Challen Janpo Touch” course
“Children Challenjan Janpo Touch” is a course that can create a base for learning and learning habits for elementary schools. Digital content will be distributed every month from 12 themes that are useful for entrance preparation. Interacting with Shimajiro and designing interactive content that allows children to learn while moving their hands makes learning fun on their own.

[5 Features]

1. 12 learning themes necessary for admission preparation such as programming and English with 1 tablet manners/art/music/English) with monthly digital content.
You can enjoy learning programming, which is a compulsory subject in elementary schools, with settings such as treasure hunts. In addition, content unique to digital learning, such as music and art, which makes use of the features of audio and video, will nurture imagination through experience.

Programming learning content example
2. Designed to keep children's concentration and learn by themselves with automatic scoring
Lessons with a goal of about 15 minutes a day and easy-to-understand navigation with audio and video are designed to keep concentration. In addition, with immediate automatic grading, children can proceed with learning by themselves from beginning to end. The curriculum is designed to be close to children in small steps, and to steadily deepen their understanding.

3. "Shimajiro" accompanies learning and increases motivation
For children, "Shimajiro", who is a friend and a good rival, thinks together and sends e-mails to children to increase motivation. increase. By interacting with Shimajiro and other characters, you can have fun while learning with your friends.
4. Support for parents, such as an email function that allows them to feel their child's growth clearly

 Even when parents are busy, a dedicated site and email function support so that they can praise their child's hard work and growth without missing a moment.
 The sense of security of being watched over and the happiness of being praised in a timely manner will accelerate the child's motivation.

5. A safe tablet design that children can use with peace of mind
Regarding the use of digital media by children, about 80% of the parents of young children feel the benefits of practicality, such as "learning and having fun over and over again". (*2). In response to this, the tablet itself is equipped with functions that can be used with peace of mind, such as blue light reduction, an alarm function to prevent overuse, and a design that does not connect to external sites.
[Related survey data]
Source: Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute, "Survey of Parents and Children Using Media from Early Childhood to Lower Elementary School"-Conducted in January 2021-
https://berd * Percentage of users who use the service more than "about 1 day" per week.

[Reference Information]
Website "Small Children and Media"

>At Benesse Educational Research & Development Institute, as part of research on infants and child-rearing, the website "Small Children and Media" provides information for thinking about how infants and media should be.

Regarding Benesse's DX strategy
Benesse's medium-term management plan calls for "evolution of core businesses" and "challenges in new domains." We have positioned “promotion of DX” as a central strategy related to both. Benesse has been striving for many years to improve the value it provides through the use of digital technology in order to realize its corporate philosophy of "well-being." In order to further promote DX at Benesse, an organization called Digital Innovation Partners (DIP) will be established in the spring of 2021 under the direct control of the president. We are driving the realization of the medium-term management plan by integrating the information system department, the human resource development department, and the consulting department for promoting DX.

In addition, in recognition of these efforts, Benesse is the only educational and nursing care business company selected as a "digital transformation stock" jointly selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (2021 461 companies entered in the fiscal year, and 28 companies were selected).
About Benesse Group's DX
■ Benesse Holdings New Medium-Term Management Plan FY2021 -2025
■ “DX Stock 2021” selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange
■ Benesse Establishes "Digital Innovation Fund" Investment Strengthening investment and collaboration in education and nursing care ventures with a framework of 5 billion yen-Starting activities in November, planning to invest in Code Chrysalis and Hmcomm-