9th generation iPad vs. 6th generation iPad mini, 2021 latest model 5th game

9th generation iPad vs. 6th generation iPad mini, 2021 latest model 5th game

 Display size 10 on September 15, 2021.Type 2 "iPad (9th generation)" (hereinafter, Muji iPad) and 8.Type 3 "iPad mini (6th generation)" (hereinafter, iPad mini) was announced.The direct sales price starts at 39,800 yen (tax included, the same applies hereinafter), respectively, to 59,800 yen.However, if you consider the specifications and uses specifically, you can not get rid of the unmarked iPad that is easy to purchase, and the iPad mini with a mobile -oriented iPad mini.

 Here, compare them with five items to clarify what users each are.It's a "fifth game".

● Price confrontation ● Text input confrontation (hardware air keyboard) ● Handwritten note confrontation (Apple Pencil) ● Camera confrontation ● Mobile confrontation (weight, size, battery holding)


 First, let's compare the price that everyone cares about.Both unbranded iPad and iPad mini have two types of built -in storage size, 64GB and 256GB.There are "Wi-Fi" models and "Wi-Fi + Cellular" models, and both have four types of models.

 Until now, the unbranded iPad is inexpensive, but the storage capacity installed is 32GB, and if you select a more capacity, the price difference with the higher model will be reduced, but this time such concerns.Not.

iPad miniのモデルごとの価格(税込み)
iPad miniWi-FiWi-Fi+Cellular

 Both Muji iPad and iPad mini can purchase 256GB models by adding 18,000 yen to the 64GB model price.Compared to the same storage size, the price difference between the unbranded iPad and the iPad mini is always 20,000 yen, and the difference between the Wi-Fi + Cellaru model is 21,000 yen.

第9世代iPad vs. 第6世代iPad mini、2021年最新モデル5番勝負

 There is also a difference in the communication function.The iPad mini's Wi-Fi + Cellular model is compatible with 5G communication, but unmarked iPad is not compatible.

 Personally, if you know the comfort of the Wi-Fi + Cellular model, you will not be able to return to the tethering connection.It takes a lot of time to tethering becomes a psychological barrier, and it is a good idea to bring out the iPad when you go out.You have lost the opportunity to use the iPad you bought.The expense of Wi-Fi + Cellular model should not be wasted.

 There is also a display as such a detailed difference.The iPad mini has a reflection prevention coating, but the unmarked iPad does not.When arranged, the difference is well understood in the room, and the iPad mini display is easy to see because the reflection is suppressed.The difference is more noticeable outdoors.

 There is also a difference in the display itself, and the unbranded iPad can express the color range defined in "SRGB", whereas the iPad mini is equipped with a "wide color gamut display (P3)" and a wider range of colors.Can be expressed.

 If you use an iPad for work that requires the richness of color expression, for example, photography or illustration production, the iPad mini will be more suitable.

反射防止コーティングありのiPad mini(左)と、なしの無印iPad(右)。iPad miniにはほとんど映っていないが、無印iPadは光を反射し、撮影している筆者の姿も映っている。[画像のクリックで拡大表示]

 The decisive difference is the mounted processor.While the iPad mini is the same "A15 Bionic" as the latest iPhone 13 series, Muji iPad is equipped with "A13 Bionic" two generations ago.

 When measured with the benchmark application "Geekbench", Muji iPad became a single core / multi -core "1335 /3339" and the iPad mini "1591 /4606".Approximately 1.Double, about 1.There was a difference of four times.

 When measured with the GPU benchmark "Antutu Benchmark", the iPad mini was "334723", while Muji iPad was evaluated as "269904".This is also about 1.2 times.

ベンチマークアプリ「Geekbench」で計測したところ、無印iPadはシングルコア/マルチコアの評価が「1335/3339」だった[画像のクリックで拡大表示]iPad miniのGeekbenchでの評価はシングルコア/マルチコアが「1591/4606」だった[画像のクリックで拡大表示]無印iPadの「AnTuTu Benchmark」で計測したGPUの評価は「269904」[画像のクリックで拡大表示]iPad miniのGPU評価は「334723」だった[画像のクリックで拡大表示]

 According to my experience, there is a difference between processors and GPUs when processing photos taken with RAW photographs and images created with a lot of layers.It is not so noticeable with normal use.

 I have seen the difference between prices and specifications so far, but the price difference of 20,000 yen that can purchase the genuine hardware keyboard "Smart Keyboard" (18,800 yen) is large, so I want to win this game.。For those who want to buy an iPad at a low price, Muji iPad is recommended.