47 prefectures "NHK reception fee non -payment ranking" Tokyo, Osaka and Okinawa bomb the worst (Gentosha Gold Online) --Yahoo! News

47 prefectures "NHK reception fee non -payment ranking" Tokyo, Osaka and Okinawa bomb the worst (Gentosha Gold Online) --Yahoo! News



[Chart] Source: NHK "Estimated Household Payment rate (nationwide / prefectural)" (2021) (2021)

47都道府県「NHK受信料不払いランキング」東京・大阪・沖縄がワーストを爆走(幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース

These days, the time has increased home time due to the corona.Do you watch TV? 2021 announced by "Estimated household payment rate for reception fees (nationwide / prefectural)" We will check the NHK reception fee payment status.[See all] 1st place Akita "97.4 % ", 21st place Tochigi" 87 ".2 % ", 46th place Osaka" 66 ".8 % "

NHK reception fee payment rate: "True disparity" in prefectures

"I don't have a TV?" Is there a duty to pay in the first place? Article 64 of the Broadcasting Law says, "Those who have installed receiving equipment that can receive the broadcast of the association must sign up for the association and the receiving of the broadcast." I have. In other words, television, where NHK is seen, is said to have a contract and pay a reception fee. The key is that "NHK is in an environment where NHK can be viewed", and in 2019, even if you have a mobile phone with one -segment function, it is ruled that "the payment of the reception fee will be required." I am. The consultation fee and satellite contract are "2,170 yen" (account / credit payment, 2,220 yen for continuous transfer), and the ground contract is "1,225 yen" (same as above; 1,275 yen for continuous transfer). The burden is about 10,000 yen to 20,000 yen per year. Do some people feel a very tough amount? What about the actual payment status? NHK published the "estimated household payment rate for reception fees (by nationwide)" in 2021. The average national payment rate except for business establishments is 80.3 %.1 from the previous year's survey.5 points have dropped.Regarding the decline in payment rates, NHK stated that the factors were "suspended visiting activities nationwide from the beginning of the year due to the spread of new colonovirus infections."Let's look at each prefecture.The highest payment rate was the first place Akita "97..Four%".2nd place Niigata "97".0 % ", 3rd place Yamagata" 94.5 % ", 4th place Shimane" 94.4 % ", 5th place Aomori" 93 ".8 % "と続きます[図表]。ちなみにこの支払率とは、世帯支払数を受信契約対象世帯数で割ったものです。90%をゆうに超える高水準ですが、いずれの県においても、支払率は前年比で減少しています。ではもっとも払っていない県はどこか。ワースト1位は沖縄「49.8 % "。半数以上の世帯が受信料を支払っていないことがわかります。50%台すら他県には存在していませんから、圧倒的な数値です。【NHK受信料支払率】40位 神奈川/80.0 % 42nd place Kyoto/78.0 % 42th place Hyogo/78.0 % 43th place Fukuoka/76.3 % 44th place Hokkaido/72.4 % 45th place Tokyo/67.7 % 46th place Osaka/66.8 % 47th Okinawa/49.You can see that the payment rate is low in the Tokyo metropolitan area where the population is concentrated.By the way, the payment rate in Tokyo is 2 from the previous year.1 point reduced.Along with Miyazaki Prefecture, it was the largest decrease.It is certain that NHK is in a severe situation in which the reception payment rate has decreased in all 47 prefectures.


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