Reasons for slow iPhone and 12 measures (Life Hacker [Japanese version]) --Yahoo! News

Reasons for slow iPhone and 12 measures (Life Hacker [Japanese version]) --Yahoo! News



Slow reasons for iPhone operation and 12 measures

他のあらゆるテクノロジーと同様、iPhoneも時とともに遅くなります。Appleが誇る高品質なハードウェア、ソフトウェア、セキュリティアップデートをもってしても、購入後4、5年もすれば衰えるのは無理もありません。【全画像をみる】Slow reasons for iPhone operation and 12 measuresそう、新品だったあのころと同じスピードに戻ることは、決してないのです。時にそれは、もっと早期に訪れます。買ってからわずか2年でも、動作がどうにも遅くなってしまうことがあるのです。でも、ご安心を。ほんのちょっとの対策で、速度を回復させることができますよ。

Slow reasons for iPhone operation and 12 measures(ライフハッカー[日本版]) - Yahoo!ニュース

Quickly clear RAM and memory

One of the slow causes is that the iPhone is simply overloaded. You may be using a heavy app or the operation in the background. If you suddenly feel that your iPhone is late, you may be able to solve it by clearing RAM and memory. In the case of an iPhone without a button, there is no way to execute it with one click. So, let's tell the alternative method (you can use it with an iPhone with iOS13 or higher). First, enable AssistiveTouch so that the home button is displayed on the iPhone screen. In the "Settings" app, select "Accessibility", "Touch" and "AssistiveTouch" to enable the "AssistiveTouch" function. Then, a "button" should be displayed on the screen. Next, let's return to the home screen. Press the "Volume Up" button on the device, press the "Volume Down" button, and press the "Power" button. When the power menu is displayed, press and hold the assistiveTouch button displayed on the screen. After a few seconds, put the passcode and unlock. With the above work, RAM and temporary memory have been cleared.

Clear the cache of Safari (and other browsers)

Over time, unnecessary data is accumulated in the web browser.These are the cache in various formats, such as media, files, and settings.Deleting these improves the speed of the iPhone.However, be careful as cookies and saved login information will disappear.However, if you use a password manager, there should be no problem.To do this in Safari, select "Safari" and "Erase History and Web Site Data" from the "Settings" app.When the pop -up is displayed, tap "Erase History and Data".Please refer to this guide for how to erase the cache and history of a third -party browser.


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