au Cabcom Securities, 1 % Ponta point reduction of investment trusts by au Pay card payment

au Cabcom Securities, 1 % Ponta point reduction of investment trusts by au Pay card payment

March 2, 2022

au Cubecom, au Financial Service, KDDI will be able to reserve investment trusts from March 28, 2022 with au Pay card payment.If this au Pay card payment is funded by investment trust, 1 % of the monthly purchase amount is returned at Ponta points.

From the same day, for those who sign up for the target line of au or UQ Mobile, we will start a benefit to return up to 4 % of the amount purchased by the funding of the monthly investment trust at Ponta points for 12 months.In conjunction with this benefit, we will return up to 5%Ponta points in 12 months.

It is also possible to purchase (buy spots) with a returned Ponta point.You can form assets more efficiently.

内容毎月1回、1日 (休業日の場合は翌営業日) を指定日・買付日として、au PAY カード決済による投資信託の積立を行うことができます。auカブコム証券口座に事前に入金していなくても、au PAY カードのご利用可能枠をつかって毎月自動で積立をすることが可能です。毎月積立で買付された投資信託の約定金額に応じて1%のPontaポイントを還元します。
使用可能なクレジットカードau PAY カード
開始日2022年3月28日 (予定)
積立設定申込締切日毎月9日の2営業日前 (休業日の場合は前営業日)
指定日・買付日積立設定申込締切日の翌月1日 (休業日の場合は翌営業日)
au PAY カード引落日指定日・買付日の月の10日 (休業日の場合は翌営業日)
Pontaポイント還元Ponta 会員ID連携済のお客さま: 積立買付する月の12~15日Ponta 会員ID未連携のお客さま: 積立買付する月の10日

In order to use the funding of investment trusts by au Pay card payment, you need to register an au ID with au Cabcom Securities in advance.From March 28, 2022, you will be able to register an au Pay card with au Cabcom Securities.When the registration of the au Pay card is completed, you can select an au Pay card from the payment method when applying for funding for investment trusts.

auカブコム証券、au PAY カード決済による投資信託の積立で1%のPontaポイント還元

  1. 投資信託の取扱い銘柄は1,400本以上と豊富
  2. 毎月100円から投資信託の積立可能
  3. 投資信託の購入時手数料・積立手数料が無料
  4. 投資信託の月間平均保有残高に応じて、Pontaポイントがたまる (最大年0.24%)
  5. Pontaポイントで投資信託を購入可能
  6. SNSサービス「ファンドスクエア」なら、プロである運用会社や投資家同士で情報収集も可能

The KDDI Group is promoting the “Smart money concept” that makes payment and financial services closer to customers' daily life through smartphones, which have become the center of their lives.In the future, we will continue to provide customers with financial services centered on smartphones, and create new experience value with customers and partner companies as a company that makes customers feel closest.


From March 28, 2022, KDDI and au Securities have received up to 4 % of the Ponta points purchased when the contracted au line is reserved by investment trusts.The mobile line will return up to 2 % of the Ponta points purchased when the contract is funded by investment trusts for 12 months.Click here for details such as conditions.

From March 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022, au or UQ Mobile customers will receive 2,000 Ponta points when newly enrolled on au Pay Cards, "Money Life Support Bonus".Is being implemented.

  1. au PAY: サービス利用規約に新規同意で松屋とローソンで使える割引クーポン
  2. au PAY カード: 新規入会で2,000Pontaポイント
  3. auじぶん銀行: 新規口座開設で現金1,000円

Click here for details and conditions of the benefits.

"Au Pay Card" is a credit card that can be widely used for daily shopping and paying utility bills.Ponta points that have accumulated according to your use have a maximum charge to au Pay balance and Ponta points..It can be used in the "advantageous point exchange" (au Pay market) that increases the amount by 5 times, and to apply for credit card billing.You can be issued with free annual membership fee (Note 1), return 1 Ponta points for each 100 yen (tax included) for using a credit card (Note 2), charge to au Pay balance and "au Pay (code payment).Up to 1 by combining payment.Return 5%with Ponta points.

In addition, the annual membership fee is 11,000 yen (tax included), and the "au Pay Gold Card", in which a maximum of 11 % of the monthly au mobile phone usage fee is returned as a Ponta point, is also available.In "au Pay Gold Card", charge to au Pay balance and use "au Pay (code payment)" 2.5%Ponta points are returned, and up to 16%of points will be returned by shopping at the au Pay market.It is a card that has a good feature, such as automatically accompanied by a maximum of 50 million yen overseas travel insurance and can be used for free at major domestic airports and Hawaii airports.

  • [Notes on investment trusts]

    [Notes on investment information]

    For details on the disclaimer, please read the au Cabcom Securities website and the contract before concluding the contract, and understand the contents.

    KDDI Co., Ltd. KDDI Co., Ltd. Director Kanto Finance Bureau (Kinnaka) No. 896

    au Cabcom Securities Co., Ltd. Financial Instruments Trading Company Registration: Kanto Finance Bureau (Kinsho) No. 61 Bank Agency Remarks: Kanto Finance Bureau (Ginyo) No. 8 Electronic Payment Agency Registration: Kanto Finance Bureau (Denge)No. 18 subscription association: Japan Securities Business Association, Financial Future Trading Business Association, Japan Investment Advisor Association, Japan STO Association, Type 2 Financial Instrument Transactions and Society Association